Analysing students' intentions and attitudes towards entrepreneurship : a case of EstoniaVenesaar, Urve; Kolbre, Ene; Piliste, ToomasTowards Entrepreneurial Regions : Universities & Innovation Networks Challenged by the Knowledge Society : Second BEPART Conference : Tartu, 26-27 October 2006 : proceedings. Abstracts2006 / p. 75 Assesment of teacher training programme : the case of Estonia [Electronic resource]Venesaar, Urve; Mets, Tõnis; Torokoff, Made; Pihlak, Merle; Voolaid, Karen2009 EFMD Entrepreneurship Conference : the Role of Entrepreneurship Training for Tomorrow's Society : Barcelona, 26-27 February 20092009 / [13] p. [CD-ROM] Assessing engineering students’ attitudes towards corporate social responsibility principlesSaari, Ulla A.; Ojasoo, Merle; Venesaar, Urve; Puhakka, Ilmari; Nokelainen, Petri; Mäkinen, Saku J.European journal of engineering education2024 / 22 p Assessing the results of entrepreneurship training through changes in metacognitive awareness of participantsLing, H.; Venesaar, Urve; Voolaid, KarenSU Conference on Entrepreneurship : September 8-13, 2009, Benevento, Italy2009 / ? p Assessment and promotion of entrepreneurial initiative and attitudes toward entrepreneurship : the case of EstoniaVenesaar, Urve; Jakobson, IndrekThe dynamics between entrepreneurship, environment and education2008 / p. 149-167 Attitudes and intentions of students toward entrepreneurship : a case study of Estonia [Electronic resource]Venesaar, Urve; Kolbre, Ene; Piliste, ToomasEFMD 36th Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Small Business (EISB) Conference : 6-8 September 2006, Southampton2006 / [CD-ROM] Balti ettevõtluskeskkond riigiti erinevVenesaar, UrveÄripäev1996 / 18. märts, lk. 8 Bridging metacompetencies and entrepreneurship educationUstav, Sirje; Venesaar, UrveEducation and Training2018 / p. 674-695 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Business satisfaction with e-government services in Baltic Sea regionKindel, Kristiina; Ritso, Valter; Venesaar, UrveDatabases and information systems VIII : selected papers from the Eleventh International Baltic Conference, DB&IS 20142014 / p. 217-230 : ill Communication channel choice between enterprises and governmentKindel, Kristiina; Venesaar, Urve; Reidolf, MerliDatabases and Information Systems VII : selected papers from the tenth International Baltic Conference, DB&IS 20122013 / p. 218-231 Communication channel choice between enterprises and governmentKindel, Kristiina; Venesaar, Urve; Reidolf, MerliDatabases and information systems : tenth international Baltic conference on databases and information systems : local proceedings, materials of doctoral consortium : Vilnius, Lithuania, July 8-11, 20122012 / p. 182-183 Conceptual richness and methodological diversity in entrepreneurship research2013 Consequences of EU enlargement for development of entrepreneurship and cross-border co-operation in EU external border regionsVenesaar, Urve; Pihlak, MerleConference "Challenges and Prospects of Cross-Border Co-operation in the Context of EU Enlargement" (CBCED) : Varna, Bulgaria, 2-4 July, 20082008 Consequences of EU enlargement for economic development in border regionsVenesaar, UrveCross-border entrepreneurship and economic development in Europe's border regions2012 / p. 23-43 Creative entrepreneurs’ perceptions about entrepreneurial educationKarhunen, Päivi; Narits, Natalia; Arvola, Katrin; Küttim, Merle; Venesaar, Urve; Mets, Tõnis; Raudsaar, Mervi; Uba, Leeni; Sauka, Arnis2011*est Defining metacompetencies for entrepreneurship education = Metapädevuste määratlemine ettevõtlusõppesUstav, Sirje2018*est Developing an assessment measure for enhancing entrepreneurship education through a metacognitive approach = Hindamismeetodi arendamine ettevõtlusõppe taseme tõstmiseks metakognitiivsete võimete täiustamise kauduLing, Hannes2013*est Developing creative enterprises and finding the ways for their supportKüttim, Merle; Arvola, Katrin; Teder, Juhan; Venesaar, UrveDoes Entrepreneurship Matter? : A View from Educators, Researchers, Policy Makers and Entrepreneurs : 2011 EFMD Entrepreneurship Conference, Tallinn, Estonia, 21-22 February 20112011 / 12 p Developing entrepreneurship competence in academia : emerging needs in Estonia, Finland, Italy, Poland, and PortugalRiviezzo, Angelo; Venesaar, Urve; Duarte, Henrique; Civil, Taina; Antonelli, Gilda; Dorozynski, TomaszThe impact of HEIs on regional development : facts and practices of collaborative work with SMEs2023 / p. 144-161 Development of creative entrepreneurship : opinion of managers from Estonia, Latvia, Finland and SwedenKüttim, Merle; Arvola, Katrin; Venesaar, UrveBusiness: theory and practice2011 / p. 369-378 Development of entrepreneurshipVenesaar, Urve; Vitsur, EndelTransforming the Estonian economy1995 / p. 187-207 Development of SME policy in Estonia and the role of governmentVenesaar, UrveSmall Firms : European Strategias, Growth & Development. Twenty Two Years of Small Business Research : 22-nd ISBA National Small Firms Policy & Research Conference : Leeds, 17-19 November 1999 : proceedings. Vol. 21999 / p. 1395-1412 Discovering and developing conceptual understanding of teaching and learning in entrepreneurship lecturersToding, Martin; Venesaar, UrveEducation and Training2018 / p. 696–718 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Does the general education school curriculum support the development of enterprising people?Randma, Tiia; Venesaar, UrveBaltic journal of management2016 / p. 142-166 : ill Eessõna : ettevõtlikkus ja ettevõtlusõpeEisenschmidt, Eve; Raudsaar, Mervi; Venesaar, UrveEesti Haridusteaduste Ajakiri = Estonian Journal of Education2018 / lk. 1-11 Eesti ettevõtlusaktiivsusVenesaar, Urve; Küttim, MerleGlobaalne ettevõtlusmonitooring 2013. Eesti raport2014 / lk. 23-35 Eesti tootvate väike- ja keskettevõtete areng, väliskeskkond ja toetuspoliitikaVenesaar, UrveEesti Vabariigi majanduspoliitika ja integreerumine Euroopa Liiduga : teadus- ja koolituskonverentsi ettekanded-artiklid, (Tartu-Värska, 26.-28. juuni 1997)1997 / lk. 334-340 Eesti tootvate väike- ja keskettevõtete arenguprobleemidVenesaar, Urve; Smallbone, David1997*est Eesti väike- ja keskmise suurusega ettevõtete arendamine kasvava rahvusvahelistumise ja Euroopa integratsiooni tingimustesVenesaar, Urve; Maldre, ReetEesti Vabariigi majanduspoliitika ja Euroopa Liit : VII teadus- ja koolituskonverentsi ettekanded - artiklid, (Tartu - Värska, 25.-27. juuni 1999)1999 / lk. 406-414 Eesti väike- ja keskmise suurusega ettevõtete arendamine rahvusvahelistumise tingimustesVenesaar, UrveМеждународная научная конференция "Гуманитарное образование. Начало XXI века" : тезисы докладов / Академия гуманитарных наук (С.-Петербург, Москва) [и] Международный Университет Социальных Наук LEX1999 / 2 lk Eesti väikeettevõtluspoliitika areng ja Euroopa LiitVenesaar, Urve; Maldre, ReetEesti Vabariigi majanduspoliitika tulemuslikkus ja Euroopa Liit : VIII teadus- ja koolituskonverentsi ettekanded-artiklid : (Tartu-Värska, 29. juuni - 1. juuli 2000)2000 / lk. 481-488 Eksport majanduskasvu mõjurina : Eesti väike- ja keskettevõttedVenesaar, UrveÄrielu1996 / 6, lk. 74-75, 78 Emergence and changes in trust in SMEs in EstoniaVenesaar, UrveTrust and entrepreneurship : a west-east perspective2005 / p. 176-196 EmploymentVenesaar, UrveEstonian economy and European integration1997 / p. 123-127 Engineering students' experiences in studing entrepreneurshipTäks, Marge; Tynjälä, Päivi; Toding, Martin; Kukemelk, Hasso; Venesaar, UrveJournal of engineering education (JEE)2014 / p. 573-598 : ill Enhancing entrepreneurship education in engineering students to increase their metacognitive abilities : analysis of student self-assessmentsLing, Hannes; Venesaar, UrveInzinerine ekonomika = Engineering economics2015 / p. 333-342 : ill Enterprises' satisfaction with e-government : a case of countries in Baltic Sea RegionKindel, Kristiina; Ritso, Valter; Venesaar, UrveDatabases and Information Systems : proceedings of the 11th International Baltic Conference, Baltic DB&IS 2014 : Tallinn, Estonia, 8-11 June, 20142014 / p. 203-214 : ill Entrepreneurial activity in Estonia and implications for SME policyVenesaar, UrveBaltic Business and Socio-Economic Development 2007 : 3rd International Conference : Tallinn, Estonia, June 17-19, 20072010 / p. 432-444 Entrepreneurial and innovative potential of higher education institutions - the example of Estonian universitiesKallaste, Marianne; Põder, Anne; Raudsaar, Mervi; Venesaar, UrveICERI 2017 : 10th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation Seville (Spain) 16-18 November 2017 : conference proceedings2017 / p. 8800–8808 Entrepreneurial competence and the personal traits of an entrepreneur : analysis on the basis of students' self-evaluationVenesaar, Urve; Liiv, Signe; Liiv, Innar; Pihlak, Merle5th International Scientific Conference : Business and Management' 2008 : conference proceedings2008 / p. 156-157'_SELF-EVALUATION Entrepreneurial competence and the personal traits of an entrepreneur : analysis on the basis of students' self-evaluationVenesaar, Urve; Liiv, Signe; Liiv, Innar; Pihlak, Merle5th International Scientific Conference : Business and Management' 2008 : May 16-17, 2008, Vilnius, Lithuania : selected papers2008 / p. 320-326'_SELF-EVALUATION Entrepreneurial initiative and attitudes towards entrepreneurship : a case of Estonia [Electronic resource]Venesaar, Urve; Jakobson, IndrekEuropean Summer University Conference 2006 on Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurship Education Research : 25-30 August Hämeenlinna, Finland2006 / [CD-ROM] Entrepreneurial perceptions and entrepreneurial activity in core and peripheral regions in EstoniaVenesaar, Urve; Küttim, MerleEntrepreneurship, innovation and regional development2016 / p. 145-169 : tab*est Entrepreneurial profile of students' and motivations for their career choisesPedas, Kadri; Ling, Hannes; Venesaar, UrveThe ESU 7th Conference 2010 on Entrepreneurship : University of Tartu, 22-28 August 2010, Tartu, Estonia : conference abstracts2010 / p. 18 Entrepreneurs' human capital in creative industries : a case of Baltic Sea Region countriesKüttim, Merle; Venesaar, Urve; Kolbre, EneActual problems of economics2011 / p. 381-391 Entrepreneurship and small business research in Estonia: an overviewVenesaar, UrveEntrepreneurship in Estonia : policies, practices, education and research2006 / p. 270-296 Entrepreneurship and SME development in EstoniaVenesaar, Urve10th International Academic Conference on the Economic and Social Development : April 7-9, 2009, Moscow2009 Entrepreneurship and SME policy development in EstoniaSmallbone, David; Venesaar, Urve; Xheneti, M.ICSB World Conference "At the Crossroads of East and West : New Opportunities for Entrepreneurship and Small Business" : Turku, Finland, June 10-132007 / p. 311 Entrepreneurship competence among students and employees: a comparative study in five European countriesVenesaar, Urve; Antonelli, Gilda; Dorożyński, Tomasz; Duarte, Henrique; Kallaste, Marianne; Riviezzo, Angelo; Räisänen, Milla; Santos, Susana C.Annals of Entrepreneurship Education and Pedagogy - 20232022 / p. 120-144 Entrepreneurship competence model for supporting learners development at All educational levelsVenesaar, Urve; Malleus, Elina; Arro, Grete; Toding, MartinAdministrative Sciences2022 / art. 2 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Entrepreneurship education and entrepreneurial initiative in EstoniaKolbre, Ene; Piliste, Toomas; Venesaar, UrveEntrepreneurship in Estonia : policies, practices, education and research2006 / p. 248-269 : ill Entrepreneurship education and entrepreneurial initiative in Estonia [Electronic resource]Kolbre, Ene; Piliste, Toomas; Venesaar, UrveIntEnt2005 : conference proceedings2005 / [14] p. [CD-ROM] Entrepreneurship education and metacognitive awareness : development of a tool to measure metacognitive awarenessLing, Hannes; Kyrö, Paula; Venesaar, UrveConceptual richness and methodological diversity in entrepreneurship research2013 / p. 95-116 : ill Entrepreneurship education at university level and students' entrepreneurial intentionsKüttim, Merle; Kallaste, Marianne; Venesaar, Urve; Kiis, AinoProcedia - social and behavioral sciences2014 / p. 658-668 : ill Entrepreneurship education in EstoniaKolbre, Ene; Piliste, Toomas; Venesaar, UrveEstonian Economic Association : articles from the Annual Conference 20062006 / p. 157-174 Entrepreneurship in Estonia : policies, practices, education and researchMets, Tõnis; Andrijevskaja, Janita; Venesaar, Urve; Kolbre, Ene2006*est Entrepreneurship promotion in Estonia and the region of Northern EstoniaVenesaar, Urve; Kolbre, Ene; Piliste, Toomas; Loomets, PiretCultivating entrepreneurial regions - cases and studies from the network project "Baltic Entrepreneurship Partners" (BEPART)2007 / p. 247-272 Entrepreneurship research and development in Estonia: university perspectivesMets, Tõnis; Andrijevskaja, Janita; Venesaar, Urve; Kolbre, EneEntrepreneurship in Estonia : policies, practices, education and research2006 / p. 9-18 E-poliitika ärikeskkonna kujundajana : kaubanduse ja kinnisvaraturu näitelKolbre, Ene; Venesaar, UrveEesti majanduspoliitika teel Euroopa Liitu : XI teadus- ja koolituskonverentsi ettekanded - artiklid : (Tartu - Värska, 26.-28. juuni 2003)2003 / lk. 529-537 Estonian economy and European integrationBerg, Birgitta; Kilvits, Kaarel; Laving, Jüri; Venesaar, Urve1997 Estonian SMEs in the context of an enlarged EuropeSmallbone, David; Venesaar, UrveEntrepreneurship in Estonia : policies, practices, education and research2006 / p. 19-46 : ill Ettevõtete valmisolek osalemiseks Euroopa Liidu ühtsel turul ja Acquis rahvusliku programmi rakendamineKallam, Henno; Kolbre, Ene; Möller, Leili; Simson, Anne-Liis; Venesaar, UrveEuroopa Liiduga liitumise mõju Eesti majanduspoliitikale : X teadus- ja koolituskonverentsi ettekanded - artiklid : (Tartu - Värska, 27.-29. juuni 2002)2002 / lk. 505-512 Ettevõtlikkuse ja ettevõtlusõppe arendamine põhikoolist kõrgkoolini [Võrguteavik]2018 Ettevõtlikkuse ja ettevõtlusõppe süsteemne arendamine EestisArro, Grete; Jaani, Juta; Loogma, Krista; Malleus, Elina; Titov, Eneken; Toding, Martin; Täks, Marge; Venesaar, Urve2018*est Ettevõtlusalane kompetentsus ja ettevõtja isikuomadused: analüüs üliõpilaste enesehinnangu aluselVenesaar, Urve; Liiv, Signe; Liiv, InnarIV ettevõttemajanduse konverents : konverentsi ettekanded-artiklid (Pärnu, 20.-21. jaanuar 2006)2006 / p. 190-206 Ettevõtluse arengVenesaar, UrveEesti edukad ettevõtted 19981998 / lk. 34-36, 75-78 Ettevõtluse püsimine Balti riikides : kas tootvad väike- ja keskettevõtted vajavad toetust?Smallbone, David; Venesaar, UrveÄrielu1996 / 4, lk. 16-17: ill Ettevõtluspädevuse mudel ettevõtlusõppe arendamise alusenaVenesaar, Urve; Täks, Marge; Toding, MartinEesti Haridusteaduste Ajakiri = Estonian Journal of Education2018 / lk. 118-155 : ill Ettevõtlusse kaasatud kapitali efektiivsusKolbre, Ene; Venesaar, UrveÄritegevuse innovaatika. 42004 / lk. 19-35 : ill Evaluating of business school as learning organisation: the case of the Tallinn School of Economics and Business AdministrationVoolaid, Karen; Venesaar, UrveThe ESU 7th Conference 2010 on Entrepreneurship : University of Tartu, 22-28 August 2010, Tartu, Estonia : conference abstracts2010 / p. 18-19 Evaluation of the entrepreneurship education programme in university : a new approachVenesaar, Urve; Ling, Hannes; Voolaid, KarenAmfiteatru Economic2011 / p. 377-391 : ill Exploring the impact of entrepreneuership courses on the metacognitive awareness of university studentsLing, Hannes; Leppiman, Anu; Venesaar, UrveUniversity-business cooperation Tallinn 20112011 / p. 114-132 Factors influencing development of creative enterprises and their support needsKüttim, Merle; Arvola, Katrin; Teder, Juhan; Venesaar, UrveUniversity-business cooperation Tallinn 20112011 / p. 84-102 Factors influencing students' entrepreneurial initiative: an Estonian caseVenesaar, Urve; Kolbre, Ene; Piliste, ToomasTowards entrepreneurial regions: universities & innovation networks challenged by the knowledge society : Second BEPART Conference, Tartu, 26-27 October 2006 : proceedings. Selected papers2009 / p. 47-62 Factors influencing students' venture creation processVenesaar, Urve; Kallaste, Marianne; Küttim, MerleInternational Conference : Entrepreneurship and Innovation as Key Drivers of Regional Development : Ventspils, Latvia, 15-16 July 2013 : conference materials, abstract book2013 / p. 7-8 Factors influencing students' venture creation processVenesaar, Urve; Kallaste, Marianne; Küttim, MerleProcedia - social and behavioral sciences2014 / p. 678-688 Factors influencing the business value of e-government services for small and medium sized enterprisesRitso, Valter; Kindel, Kristiina; Venesaar, UrveResearch in economics and business : Central and Eastern Europe2017 / p. 41-61 Find your limits and break them! Nurturing students’ entrepreneurship competence through innovative teaching methods and self-assessmentAntonelli, Gilda; Venesaar, Urve; Riviezzo, Angelo; Kallaste, Marianne; Dorozynski, TomaszJournal of enterprising communities2024 / p. 29-48 Globaalne ettevõtlusmonitooring 2012 : Eesti raporti kokkuvõteArro, Tõnis; Elenurm, Tiit; Liigus, Ellen; Masso, Jaan; Mets, Tõnis; Reino, Anne; Põder, Kaire; Venesaar, UrveEesti Majanduse Teataja2013 / lk. 22-24 Globaalne ettevõtlusmonitooring 2012. Eesti raportArro, Tõnis; Küttim, Merle; Põder, Kaire; Venesaar, Urve2013 Globaalne ettevõtlusmonitooring 2013. Eesti raportVenesaar, Urve; Mets, Tõnis; Küttim, Merle2014 Globaalne ettevõtlusmonitooring 2014. Eesti raportElenurm, Tiit; Küttim, Merle; Masso, Jaan; Paes, Kadri; Raudsaar, Mervi; Riistop, Rivo; Varblane, Urmas; Venesaar, Urve2015 Growth management issues in Estonian enterprises [Electronic resource]Teder, Juhan; Venesaar, UrveRent XVII - Research in Entrepreneurship and small business : Lodz, Poland, November 20-21, 20032003 / [14] p. [CD-ROM] Guest editors' introductionHazak, Aaro; Venesaar, UrveEmerging markets finance and trade2011 / p. 3-4 Impact of entrepreneurship teaching models on students' entrepreneurial intentions : the case of Estonia and HungaryHartšenko, Jelena; Venesaar, UrveResearch in economics and business : Central and Eastern Europe2017 / p. 72-92 Impact of EU enlargement for entrepreneurship development and cross-border co-operation in EU external border regions of EstoniaVenesaar, Urve; Pihlak, MerleRENT XXII Conference - Research in Entrepreneurship and Small Business "Entrepreneurship as an Engine for Regional Development" : Covilha, Portugal, 20-21 November, 20082008 Implementation of optimized procedures in EstoniaVenesaar, Urve; Kaldur, KristjanTransnational aspects of end-user oriented e-services in the Baltic Sea region : final handbook of the EGOPRISE project2012 / p. 118-119 International business - Baltic business development : Tallinn 20132013*est International trade fairs for facilitating the internationalisation of enterprisesLumiste, Rünno; Prause, Gunnar Klaus; Feuerhake, Christian; Venesaar, Urve; Vihalem, Ann; Kallaste, MarianneInternational business - Baltic business development2013 / p. 291-305 International university-industry knowledge transfer = Rahvusvaheline ülikooli ja ettevõtete vaheline teadmussiireKüttim, Merle2020 Internationalisation and SME development in transition economies : an international comparisonSmallbone, David; Piasecki, B.; Venesaar, Urve; Todorov, K.; Labrianidis, L.Journal of small business and enterprise development1999 / 4, p. 363-375 Internationalization and SME development in Poland, Bulgaria and the Baltic StatesSmallbone, David; Piasecki, B.; Venesaar, Urve; Todorov, K.SME-s and SME Policy in the Central and Eastern European Countries, Budapest, 2-4 April, 1998 : conference proceedings1998 / [20] p Internationalization and SME development in the Baltic States : some evidence from the clothing and food processing sectorsSmallbone, David; Venesaar, UrveProceedings of the Conference on Growth and Job Creation in SME-s, January 7-9, 1998, Mikkeli, Finland1998 / p. 206-225 Introduction : entrepreneurial research - towards conceptual richness and methodological diversityFayolle, Alain; Kyrö, Paula; Mets, Tõnis; Venesaar, UrveConceptual richness and methodological diversity in entrepreneurship research2013 / p. 1-11 Kapitaliühingute lõppomanike alusväärtuste ja tahte uurimine ning omanikkonna tüpoloogia konstrueerimine = Basic human values & will of capital companies' ultimate owners and construction of an ownership typologyWahl, Mike Franz2011*est Kaubanduse ja toitlustuse majandusliku arengu probleemidestVenesaar, UrveTeenindamissfääri juhtimine ja majandusmehhanism IME tingimustes : konverentsi ettekannete teesid1990 / lk. 24-26*est Kesktaseme haridusega noored Eesti tööturulVenesaar, Urve; Koljajeva, Irina; Maldre, Reet2001*est Knowledge exchange and collaboration with industry in the context of entrepreneurial higher education institutionsKüttim, Merle; Põder, Anne; Kallaste, Marianne; Raudsaar, Mervi; Venesaar, UrveResearch in economics and business : Central and Eastern Europe2018 / p. 25-41 : ill*est Knowledge networks and local resources shaping innovation in rural areas = Teadmusvõrgustikud ja kohalikud ressursid innovatsiooni kujundajatena maapiirkondadesReidolf, Merli2019 Kutse- ja kõrgkoolides õppijate autonoomne motivatsioon ettevõtlusega alustamisel ning selle seosed enesejuhtimise, algatusvõime ja loovusegaMalleus, Elina; Venesaar, Urve; Mädamürk, Karl; Arro, GreteEesti Haridusteaduste Ajakiri = Estonian Journal of Education2018 / p. 156–179 Labour marketVenesaar, UrveTransforming the Estonian economy1995 / p. 328-351 Measurement of organizational learning of business schools = Ärikoolide organisatsioonilise õppivuse mõõtmineVoolaid, Karen2013*est Muutused Balti riikide tööturulVenesaar, UrveÄripäev1995 / 7. aug., lk. 10 Naisettevõtluse arendamine Harju maakonnasVenesaar, Urve; Viies, Mare; Luuk, Mai2001*est Necessity for development of the innovation laboratories in Ukrainian universities : the concepts and institutional settingsBazhal, Y.; Slava, S.; Safonov, Y.; Venesaar, Urve; Küttim, MerleEIRD II : conference proceedings2014 / p. 7-22 Noored Eesti tööturul ja tööturupoliitikaVenesaar, Urve; Maldre, ReetHarmoniseerimine ja vabadus Eesti Vabariigi majanduspoliitikas integreerumisel Euroopa Liiduga : IX teadus- ja koolituskonverentsi ettekanded - artiklid : (Tartu - Värska, 28.-30. juuni 2001)2001 / lk. 273-280 : ill Open innovation in enterprise strategies in Central and Eastern Europe : the case of EstoniaKallaste, Marianne; Kalantaridis, Christos; Venesaar, UrveResearch in economics and business : Central and Eastern Europe2018 / p. 42-63 : ill*est Outflow from employment and the resulting social exclusion of the vulnerable groups in EstoniaVenesaar, Urve; Marksoo, Ülle; Maldre, ReetFactors of convergence : a collection for the analysis of Estonian socio-economic and institutional evolution2001 / p. 153-190 : ill Perceptions of entrepreneurship among future creative professionals : results of a survey for university students in Finland, Estonia and LatviaKarhunen, Päivi; Narits, Natalia; Arvola, Katrin; Küttim, Merle; Venesaar, Urve; Mets, Tõnis; Raudsaar, Mervi; Uba, Leeni; Sauka, Arnis2011*est Pikaajaline töötus EestisVenesaar, Urve; Hinnosaar, Marit; Luuk, Mai; Marksoo, Ülle2004*est Prices and costsVenesaar, UrveEstonian economy and European integration1997 / p. 123-127 Privatiseerimine ja ettevõtluse arendamineVenesaar, UrveUut Kaubanduses1991 / 1, lk. 1-7 Problems facing the development of small and medium-sized manufacturing firms in the Baltic StatesVenesaar, Urve; Smallbone, David; Rumpis, Laimonis; Budreikate, DanuteTransition in the Baltic States : microlevel studies1997 / p. 227-247 Prospects of the students from intermediate education on the labour market in Estonia and HungaryBerde, Eva; Petro, Katalin; Venesaar, Urve; Viies, Mare; Maldre, ReetHarmonisation with the Western economics : Estonian economic developments and related conceptual and methodological frameworks : collection of papers1999 / p. 191-223: ill Regional development and cross-border co-operation in EU external border regions of EstoniaVenesaar, Urve; Pihlak, MerleBaltic Business and Socio-Economic Development 2008 : 4th International Conference, Riga, Latvia, September 30-October 2, 20082009 / p. 409-423 Regional development and cross-border co-operation in EU external border regions of Estonia [Electronic resource]Venesaar, Urve; Pihlak, MerleBaltic Business and Socio-Economic Development : 4th International Conference, Riga, Latvia, 30 September-2 October 20082008 / p. 409-424 p. [CD-ROM] Regional new firms formation and entrepreneurship policy in EstoniaVenesaar, UrveXIV majanduspoliitika teaduskonverents : teadus- ja koolituskonverentsi ettekanded-artiklid : (Tartu-Värska, 29. juuni - 1. juuli 2006)2006 / p. 623-634 Remarks on entrepreneurial behavior and trust in EstoniaVenesaar, Urve; Venesaar, MargitForschungsstelle Osteuropa. Arbeitspapiere und Materialen - Bremen2002 / 37, Entrepreneurial strategies and trust structure and evaluation of entrepreneurial behavioural patterns in East and West European environments - contsepts and considerations, p. 31-36 Research in economics and business : Central and Eastern Europe2014*est Research in economics and business : Central and Eastern Europe2019 Research in economics and business : Central and Eastern Europe2012*est Research in economics and business : Central and Eastern Europe2011*est Research in economics and business : Central and Eastern Europe2012*est Research in economics and business : Central and Eastern Europe2009*est Research in economics and business : Central and Eastern Europe2010*est Research in economics and business : Central and Eastern Europe2009*est Research in economics and business : Central and Eastern Europe2010*est Research in economics and business : Central and Eastern Europe2011*est Research in economics and business : Central and Eastern Europe2015*est Research in economics and business : Central and Eastern Europe2016*est Research in economics and business : Central and Eastern Europe2016*est Research in economics and business : Central and Eastern Europe2015*est Research in economics and business : Central and Eastern EuropeVenesaar, Urve; Hazak, Aaro2017*est Research in economics and business : Central and Eastern EuropeVenesaar, Urve; Hazak, Aaro2017*est Research in economics and business : Central and Eastern EuropeVenesaar, Urve; Hazak, Aaro2018*est Research in economics and business : Central and Eastern EuropeVenesaar, Urve2018*est Research in economics and business : Central and Eastern Europe. Vo. 5, no. 22013*est Research in economics and business : Central and Eastern Europe. Vol. 5, no. 12013*est A review of economic and social reforms : [rmt. "Economic and Social Changes in the Baltic states in 1992-1994" : Tallinn, 1995]Venesaar, UrveThe Baltic review1995 / 8, p. 34-35 A self-assessment of employees’ entrepreneurship competence : a cross-country analysisPagnozzi, Filomena; Venesaar, Urve; Antonelli, Gilda; Nokelainen, Petri; Riviezzo, AngeloThe impact of HEIs on regional development : facts and practices of collaborative work with SMEs2023 / p. 17-32 Small and medium manufacturing enterprises in the Baltic States : a comparative studySmallbone, David; Venesaar, UrveThe Baltic review1996 / Summer, p. 25-27: ill Small and medium sized enterprises, employment generation and regional developmentVenesaar, Urve; Marksoo, U.The sustainable city IV, Urban regeneration & sustainability2006 / p. 765-773 Strateegilisest juhtimisest erineva kasvuorientatsiooniga Eesti väike- ja keskettevõtlusTeder, Juhan; Venesaar, UrveEesti ettevõtluse perspektiivid Euroopa Liidus : III teadus- ja koolituskonverentsi ettekanded-artiklid : (Pärnu, 28.-29. jaanuar 2005)2005 / lk. 224-233 Strategic management and organisational culture of family business in EstoniaKirsipuu, Maret; Teder, Juhan; Venesaar, UrveInternational business - Baltic business development2013 / p. 187-218 : ill Strategic management in Estonian SMEsTeder, Juhan; Venesaar, UrveWorking papers in economics. Vol. 15 (TUTWPE No 125-128)2005 / TUTWPE No. 126, p. 17-38 Strategic management issues in Estonian SMEs with different growth orientationTeder, Juhan; Venesaar, UrveSMEs in modern economics : selected issues2008 / p. 11-34 Students' attitudes and intentions toward entrepreneurship at Tallinn University of TechnologyVenesaar, Urve; Kolbre, Ene; Piliste, ToomasWorking papers in economics. Vol. 21 (TUTWPE No 149-154)2006 / TUTWPE No. 154, p. 97-114 : ill Students' satisfaction with and demand of university offerings in entrepreneurship education in different European regionsKüttim, Merle; Kallaste, Marianne; Venesaar, UrveInternational Conference : Entrepreneurship and Innovation as Key Drivers of Regional Development : Ventspils, Latvia, 15-16 July 2013 : conference materials, abstract book2013 / p. 6 Students self-assessment of established entrepreneurial skills and the university's influence [Electronic resource]Toding, Martin; Venesaar, Urve; Kallaste, Marianne; Teder, JuhanEntrepreneurship, Innovation and Regional Development - EIRD 20162016 / p. 156-171. [CD-ROM] Teachers' mindset and attitudes towards learners and learning environment to support students' entrepreneurial attitudes in universitiesToding, Martin; Mädamürk, Karl; Venesaar, Urve; Malleus, ElinaThe international journal of management education2023 / art. 100769, 10 p Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Teaching entrepreneurship and business planning at Tallinn University of TechnologyVenesaar, UrveTeaching entrepreneurship : cases for education and training2008 / p. 15-22 The assessment of student metacompetence in the context of entrepreneurship educationUstav, Sirje; Venesaar, UrveYrittäjyyskasvatuksen aikakausikirja = Periodical of entrepreneurship education2014 / p. 108-125 The contribution of manufacturing SMEs to the process of transformation : the case of EstoniaSmallbone, David; Venesaar, UrveHarmonisation with the Western economics : Estonian economic developments and related conceptual and methodological frameworks : collection of papers1999 / p. 115-135 The entrepreneurial behaviour and intentions of students : a case of EstoniaPedas, Kadri; Ling, Hannes; Venesaar, UrveThe 16th Nordic Conference on Small Business Research : May 19-21, 2010, Kolding, Denmark2010 The external environment for SMEs in EstoniaVenesaar, UrvePaper for the International Conference in Bulgaria "Industrial Organisation and Entrepreneurship in Transition", 5-8 June, 19951995 / p. 15 The external environment for SMEs in EstoniaVenesaar, UrveIndustrial Organisation and Entrepreneuership in Transition : proceedings of the International Conference, Varna-Albena, Bulgaria, June 5-8, 19951996 / p. 177-183 The impact of entrepreneurship promotion in Estonia [Electronic resource]Kolbre, Ene; Piliste, Toomas; Venesaar, UrveTowards Entrepreneurial Regions : A Perspective on Learning, Knowledge & Innovation : First BEPART Conference2005 / ? p. [CD-ROM] The nature, impact and consequences of long-term unemployment in EstoniaVenesaar, Urve; Luuk, MaiLabour Market Research in Estonia : papers of the Research Seminar, Tallinn, May 9, 20032004 / p. 143-184 The role of entrepreneurship in economic development and implications for SME policy in Estonia [Electronic resource]Venesaar, Urve; Loomets, Piret14th Nordic Conference on Small Business Research : May 11-13 2006, Stockholm, Sweden2006 / [17] p The role of trust in business relations in EstoniaVenesaar, Urve; Kolbre, EneEttevõte globaliseeruvas majanduses : II teadus- ja koolituskonverentsi ettekanded-artiklid : (Pärnu, 30.-31. jaanuar 2004)2004 / p. 244-253 The SME sector in Estonia at the time of EU accession [Electronic resource]Smallbone, David; Venesaar, Urve13th Nordic Conference on Small Business Research : June 10-12, 20042004 / p. 1-19 : ill. [CD-ROM] The state of small and medium-sized enterprises in Estonia on the way to accessionSmallbone, David; Venesaar, UrveEssays in Estonian transformation economics2003 / p. 71-91 The strenghts and weaknesses of Estonian SMEs in the context of an enlarged Europe [Electronic resource]Smallbone, David; Venesaar, UrveManaging Comlexity and Change in SMEs : RENT XVIII, Copenhagen, Denmark, November 25-26, 2004 : conference programme and abstracts2004 / p. 172 [CD-ROM] The use of e-government services among small and medium-sized enterprises in the Baltic Sea regionRitso, Valter; Venesaar, UrveUniversity-business cooperation Tallinn 20112011 / p. 178-196 : ill The use of e-government services for enterprises in BSR : the results of empirical surveyKaldur, Kristjan; Thessel, Friederike; Venesaar, Urve; Miliute, AisteTransnational aspects of end-user oriented e-services in the Baltic Sea region : final handbook of the EGOPRISE project2012 / p. 65-82 Trust and entrepreneurial behavior in EstoniaVenesaar, UrveForschungsstelle Osteuropa2004 / p. 6-70 Trust environments and entrepreneurial behavior - exploratory evidence from Estonia, Germany and RussiaWelter, Friederike; Kautonen, Teemu; Chepurenko, Alexander; Malieva, Elena; Venesaar, UrveJournal of enterprising culture2004 / 4, p. 327-349 Töökohtade loomine ja kaotamine Eesti ettevõtetesVenesaar, UrveEttevõttemajandus Eestis ja Euroopa Liit : I teadus- ja koolituskonverentsi ettekanded-artiklid : (Pärnu, 7.-8. veebruar 2003)2003 / lk. 236-243 : ill Töökohtade ümberpaiknemine ettevõtetes ja ettevõtluspoliitikaVenesaar, UrveEesti majanduspoliitilised perspektiivid Euroopa Liidus : XII teadus- ja koolituskonverentsi ettekanded-artiklid : (Tartu-Värska, 1.-3. juuli 2004)2004 / lk. 611-618 Understanding Estonian reforms to capitalist market. An economic narrativeKiili, Jaanus; Rajasalu, T.; Ennuste, Ülo; Kukk, K.; Püss, T.; Rei, Mait; Venesaar, Urve; Viies, MarePaper for Fifth Annual Global Development Conference Workshop : 25 - 26 January 2004, New Delhi, India2004 / p. ? University - business cooperation : a case of Tallinn University of TechnologyVenesaar, UrveUniversity - Business Forum 2011, Tallinn, 22 February 20112011 University - Business Cooperation, Tallinn 20112011*est Usaldus ärisuhetesVenesaar, Urve; Venesaar, MargitUsaldus. Vastutus. Sidusus : Eesti sotsiaalteaduste III aastakonverents, 22.-23. novembril 2002 Tallinnas2002 / lk. 45-48 A validation study of the dimensions of the learning organisation questionnaire in the business school contextVoolaid, Karen; Venesaar, UrveUniversity-business cooperation Tallinn 20112011 / p. 64-83 Working papers in economics2008*est Working papers in economicsAlver, Jaan; Listra, Enn; Randveer, Mare; Paadam, Katrin; Saat, Maksim; Venesaar, Urve; Kirsspuu, Marika2007*est Working papers in economicsAlver, Jaan; Listra, Enn; Randveer, Mare; Paadam, Katrin; Saat, Maksim; Venesaar, Urve; Kirsspuu, Marika2007*est Working papers in economicsAlver, Jaan; Listra, Enn; Randveer, Mare; Paadam, Katrin; Saat, Maksim; Venesaar, Urve2008*est Working papers in economicsAlver, Jaan; Listra, Enn; Randveer, Mare; Paadam, Katrin; Saat, Maksim; Venesaar, Urve; Kirsspuu, Marika2006*est Working papers in economics. Vol. 14 (TUTWPE No 120-124)Alver, Jaan; Listra, Enn; Randveer, Mare; Paadam, Katrin; Saat, Maksim; Venesaar, Urve2005*est Working papers in economics. Vol. 15 (TUTWPE No 125-128)Alver, Jaan; Listra, Enn; Randveer, Mare; Paadam, Katrin; Saat, Maksim; Venesaar, Urve2005*est Working papers in economics. Vol. 16 (TUTWPE No 129-132)Alver, Jaan; Listra, Enn; Randveer, Mare; Paadam, Katrin; Saat, Maksim; Venesaar, Urve; Kirsspuu, Marika2005*est Working papers in economics. Vol. 17 (TUTWPE No 133-136)Alver, Jaan; Listra, Enn; Randveer, Mare; Paadam, Katrin; Saat, Maksim; Venesaar, Urve; Kirsspuu, Marika2005*est Working papers in economics. Vol. 18 (TUTWPE No 137-140)Alver, Jaan; Listra, Enn; Randveer, Mare; Paadam, Katrin; Saat, Maksim; Venesaar, Urve; Kirsspuu, Marika2006*est Working papers in economics. Vol. 19 (TUTWPE No 141-144)Alver, Jaan; Listra, Enn; Randveer, Mare; Paadam, Katrin; Saat, Maksim; Venesaar, Urve; Kirsspuu, Marika2006*est Working papers in economics. Vol. 20 (TUTWPE No 145-148)Alver, Jaan; Listra, Enn; Randveer, Mare; Paadam, Katrin; Saat, Maksim; Venesaar, Urve; Kirsspuu, Marika2006*est Working papers in economics. Volume 22 (TUTWPE No 155-158)Alver, Jaan; Listra, Enn; Randveer, Mare; Paadam, Katrin; Saat, Maksim; Venesaar, Urve2007*est Väike- ja keskettevõtted Eesti majandusesVenesaar, UrveTeaduslik-praktiline konverents "Eesti majandus: olevik ja tulevik" : (Tallinn, 18. aprill 1997. a.) : ettekannete teesid1997 / lk. 79-82 Väike- ja keskmised ettevõtted ning regionaalne majanduslik arengSmallbone, David; Venesaar, UrveÄrielu1995 / 4, lk. 36-39; 5, lk. 11-12; 6, lk. 11-14 Väikeettevõtted mures tööjõu taseme pärastVenesaar, UrveÄrielu1996 / 9, lk. 79-80 Ärikorralduse põhiteadmisedKallam, Henno; Kolbre, Ene; Lend, Enno; Möller, Leili; Reinhold, Valev; Simson, Anne-Liis; Uustalu, Aare-Maldus; Venesaar, Urve2003*est Üliõpilasfirma programm jätkub sügisel 2011! Kutsume osalema!Venesaar, UrveStudioosus2011 / lk. 12-13