Adaption of a method for involving environmental aspects in spatial planning of river basin management - a case study of the Narva River basinPiirimäe, Kristjan; Pachel, Karin; Reihan, AlvinaEstonian journal of ecology2010 / p. 302-320 : ill An assessment of riverine loads of nutrients to the Lake PeipsiStalnacke, Per; Sults, Ülo; Vassiljev, Anatoli; Skakalski, Boris; Botina, A.; Roll, G.; Pachel, Karin; Maltsman, T.Archiv für Hydrobiologie2002 / p. 437-457 Anaerobic co-digestion of sewage sludge with fish farming wasteKuusik, Argo; Pachel, Karin; Kuusik, Aare; Loigu, EnnThe 9th International Conference "Environmental Engineering" : 22-23 May 2014, Vilnius, Lithuania : selected papers2014 / [8] p. : ill Assessment of landfill wastewater pollutants and efficiency of different treatment methodsKuusik, Aare; Pachel, Karin; Kuusik, Argo; Loigu, EnnProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences2016 / p. 452-471 : ill*est Combined effect of heavy metals on the activated sludge processLember, Erki; Retšnoi, Vitali; Pachel, Karin; Loigu, EnnProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences2018 / p. 305-314 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Compliance of wastewater treatment plants in Järva Country with the EU urban wastewater treatment directive and Estonian national requirementsNiine, Raili; Loigu, Enn; Pachel, KarinEuropean scientific journal2013 / p. 365-375 : ill Determining biogas yield from industrial biodegradable waste = Biolagunevatest tootmisjääkidest biogaasi saagise määramineKuusik, Argo2017*est Distribution of different pollution loads from wastewater treatment plants and their impact on water bodies in EstoniaNiine, Raili; Loigu, Enn; Pachel, KarinInternational journal of energy and environment2013 / p. 86-95 : ill Eesti tingimustesse sobivate biogaasi metaaniks puhastamise tehnoloogiate rakendatavus ning keskkonna ja majanduslikud mõjud : lõpparuanne [Võrguväljaanne]2014 Enn Loigu (24. I 1946 - 9. VIII 2022) : in memoriamIital, Arvo; Pachel, Karinpostimees.ee2022 Enn Loigu (24. I 1946 - 9. VIII 2022) : in memoriam Estimating microplastics related to laundry wash and personal care products released to wastewater in major Estonian cities: a comparison of calculated and measured microplasticsAyankunle, Ayankoya Yemi; Buhhalko, Natalja; Pachel, Karin; Lember, Erki; Kõrgmaa, Vallo; Mishra, Arun; Lind, KatiJournal of environmental health science and engineering2023 / p. 225-237 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Estimating water quality in river basins using linked models and databasesEnnet, Peeter; Pachel, Karin; Viies, Vladimir; Jürimägi, Lembit; Elken, RainEstonian journal of ecology2008 / 2, p. 83-99 : ill Factors affecting performance of municipal wastewater treatment plants = Olmereoveepuhastite tõhusust mõjutavad teguridKõrgmaa, Vallo2020*est Factors affecting SVI in small scale WWTPsKõrgmaa, Vallo; Kriipsalu, Mait; Tenno, Taavo; Lember, Erki; Kuusik, Argo; Lemmiksoo, Vallo; Pachel, Karin; Iital, ArvoWater science & technology Water science and technology2019 / p. 1766–1776 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Generalised intergation of solid waste treatment practices to enhance methane productivity, generate suspension fertiliser and upgrade biogasKuusik, Argo; Kuusik, Aare; Pachel, Karin; Loigu, Enn; Sokk, OlevEuropean scientific journal2013 / p. 14-30 : ill Harjumaa reovee fosforiga saaks väetada suurema osa maakonna põldudest [Võrguväljaanne]Harrik, Airikanovaator.err.ee2020 / fot Harjumaa reovee fosforiga saaks väetada suurema osa maakonna põldudest Harmful substances in wastewater, possible technical solutions for their removal = Ohtlikud ained reovees, võimalikud tehnilised lahendused nende eemaldamiseksLember, Erki2018*est Heavy metals removal in biological wastewater treatment dependent on process parametersLember, Erki; Pachel, Karin; Loigu, EnnDesalination and water treatment2018 / p. 245-251 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Hoone kanalisatsioon = Draining system inside buildings2013*est Hoone kanalisatsioon [Võrguteavik] = Draining system inside buildings2019*est Hoone kanalisatsioon [Võrguteavik] = Draining system inside buildings / Eesti Standardimis- ja Akrediteerimiskeskus2021*est Integrated economic and environmental impact assessment and optimisation of the municipal waste management model in rural area by case of Harju county municipalities in Estonia = Hajaasustusala jäätmehooldusmudeli majandusliku ja keskkonnamõju hindamine ning mudeli optimeerimine Eestis Harjumaa omavalitsuste näitelPõldnurk, Jana2014*est Intensifying landfill wastewater and biodegradable waste treatment in Estonia = Prügilareovee ja biolagunevate jäätmete käitlemise tõhustamine EestisKuusik, Aare2016*est Keskkonnaülevaade 2009Soolep, Anu; Pachel, Karin2009*est Kohalike omavalitsuste ringmajanduslike tegevuste hetkeseisu analüüs ja teekaartide koostamine : analüüsi aruanneHurt, Ulrika; Piirimäe, Kristjan; Tuisk, Tarmo; Voronova, Viktoria; Dulova, Niina; Merisaar, Jaana; Kull, Margit; Niidu, Allan; Klõga, Marija; Pachel, Karin; Küttim, Merle2023 Käitustegevuste haldus ja kontroll väliskanalisatsioonivõrgus. Osa 1, Puhastus [Võrguteavik] = Management and control of operational activities in drain and sewer systems outside buildings. Part 1, Cleaning2016*est Landfill runoff water and landfill leachate discharge and treatmentKuusik, Aare; Pachel, Karin; Kuusik, Argo; Loigu, EnnThe 9th International Conference "Environmental Engineering" : 22-23 May 2014, Vilnius, Lithuania : selected papers2014 / [6] p Microplastics and plasticizers in Estonian wastewater treatment plantsAyankunle, Ayankoya Yemi; Buhhalko, Natalja; Pachel, Karin; Lember, Erki; Heinlaan, MargitPRIMO22 : book of abstracts2024 / p. 154 Microplastics in influents and effluents of Estonian wastewater treatment plantsAyankunle, Ayankoya Yemi; Buhhalko, Natalja; Lukjanova, Aljona; Pachel, Karin; Lember, Erki; Heinlaan, MargitProceedings2023 / art. 55 Modelling diclofenac and ibuprofen residues in major Estonian seaside citiesLember, Erki; Pachel, Karin; Loigu, EnnJournal of water security2016 / p. 1-7 : ill Modelling stormwater runoff, quality, and pollutant loads in a large urban catchmentMaharjan, Bharat; Pachel, Karin; Loigu, EnnProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences2017 / p. 225-242 : ill*est*est Monitoring of diffuse pollution from agriculture to support implementation of the WFD and the Nitrate Directive in EstoniaIital, Arvo; Pachel, Karin; Deelstra, JohannesEnvironmental science & policy2008 / p. 185-193 Nitrogen content and trends in agricultural catchments in EstoniaIital, Arvo; Klõga, Marija; Pihlak, Margus; Pachel, Karin; Zahharov, Andre; Loigu, EnnAgriculture, ecosystems and environment2014 / p. 44-53 : ill A novel method for rapid assessment of the performance and complexity of small wastewater treatment plantsKõrgmaa, Vallo; Tenno, Taavo; Pachel, Karin; Iital, ArvoProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences2019 / p. 32-42 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS On receiving water and self monitoring in Estonia and Viru-Peipsi project area with regard to drafting water resource management programsPachel, KarinSuomen Ympäristokeskuksen moniste. 3282005 / p. 19-35 PeipsiHaberman, Juta; Timm, Tarmo; Raukas, Anto; Borissov, Vladimir; Miidel, Avo; Tavast, Elvi; Loigu, Enn; Leisk, Ülle; Iital, Arvo; Pachel, Karin2008*est Peipsi järve valgla reostuskoormus ja jõgede vee kvaliteetLoigu, Enn; Iital, Arvo; Karlova, Svetlana; Leisk, Ülle; Pachel, Karin; Sults, Ülo; Trapido, Marina; Vassiljev, Anatoli; Veldre, IngeborgPeipsi1999 / lk. 66-80: ill Plastic contamination in Estonia: novel plasticizers and microplastics in Estonian wastewater treatment plantsHeinlaan, Margit; Ayankunle, Ayankoya Yemi; Vija, Heiki; Buhhalko, Natalja; Lember, Erki; Pachel, KarinThe Gulf of Finland and Eastern Baltic Sea Science Days 2023 : “The future of our co-operation : A nucleus to transboundary nurture of the marine environment in transition”, Estonian Academy of Sciences, Tallinn, 16–17 November 2023 : abstracts2023 / p. 26-27 Possible agricultural use of digestateKuusik, Argo; Pachel, Karin; Kuusik, Aare; Loigu, EnnProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences2017 / p. 64-74 : ill*est*est Recent trends in nutrient concentrations in Estonian rivers as a response to large-scale changes in land-use intensity and life-stylesIital, Arvo; Pachel, Karin; Loigu, Enn; Pihlak, Margus; Leis, ÜlleJournal of environmental monitoring2010 / 1, p. 178-188 : ill Removal of hazardous substances in municipal wastewater treatment plantsKõrgmaa, Vallo; Laht, Mailis; Rebane, Riin; Lember, Erki; Pachel, Karin; Kriipsalu, Mait; Tenno, Taavo; Iital, ArvoWater Science & Technology Water science and technology2020 / p. 2011−2022 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Removal of heavy metals and total organic carbon from wastewater using powdered activated carbonLember, Erki; Pachel, Karin; Loigu, EnnProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences2019 / p. 100–110 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Reovee väikepuhasti projekteerimine (kuni 1999 IE) = Design of small wastewater treatment plant (up to 1999 PE)2023*est Reovee väikepuhastid kuni 50 IE. Osa 1, Tehases valmistatud septikud [Võrguteavik] = Small wastewater treatment systems for up to 50 PT. Part 1, Prefabricated septic tanks2017*est Reoveekäitlus [Võrguteavik] : sõnastik = Wastewater treatment : vocabulary2015*est Reverse osmosis and nanofiltration of biologically treated leachateKuusik, Aare; Pachel, Karin; Kuusik, Argo; Loigu, Enn; Tang, Walter ZhonghongEnvironmental technology2014 / p. 2416-2426 : ill Riverine plastic pollution in Asia : results from a bibliometric assessmentLeal Filho, Walter; Dedeoglu, Cagdas; Dinis, Maria Alzira Pimenta; Salvia, Amanda Lange; Barbir, Jelena; Voronova, Viktoria; Abubakar, Ismaila Rimi; Iital, Arvo; Pachel, KarinLand2022 / art. 1117 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Scenarios for reduction of nutrient load from point sources in EstoniaPachel, Karin; Klõga, Marija; Iital, ArvoHydrology research2012 / p. 374-382 Selection of most promising substrates for biogas productionKuusik, Argo; Kuusik, Aare; Loigu, Enn; Sokk, Olev; Pachel, KarinInternational journal of energy and environment2013 / p. 115-124 : ill Soome lahe seisund ja tulevikLips, Urmas; Loigu, Enn; Lääne, Ain; Martin, Georg; Pachel, Karin; Raia, Tiiu1998*est Stormwater quantity and quality of large urban catchment in Tallinn = Sademevee äravool ja kvaliteet suure linna valgalal Tallinna näitelMaharjan, Bharat2016*est Strategies for sustainable and circular management of phosphorus in the Baltic Sea region : The holistic approach of the InPhos projectSmol, Marzena; Preisner, Michal; Bianchini, Augusto; Voronova, Viktoria; Pachel, KarinSustainability2020 / 21 p. : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Towards effective monitoring of urban stormwater for better design and managementMaharjan, Bharat; Pachel, Karin; Loigu, EnnEstonian journal of earth sciences2016 / p. 176-199 : ill*est Trends in urban storm water quality in Tallinn and influences from stormflow and baseflowMaharjan, Bharat; Pachel, Karin; Loigu, EnnJournal of water security2016 / p. 1-11 : ill Urban stormwater quality and quantity in the city of TallinnMaharjan, Bharat; Pachel, Karin; Loigu, EnnEuropean scientific journal2013 / p. 305-314 : ill Uued inimesed ja positsioonidTammet, Tanel; Uska, Riina; Laanearu, Janek; Tabri, Kristjan; Vendelin, Marko; Margus, Madis; Kindsigo, Merit; Talpsepp, Tõnn; Tähemaa, Toivo; Laos, Katrin; Liiv, Innar; Rüütmann, Tiia; Sarapuu, Külli; Kikkas, Kaido; Pachel, KarinMente et Manu2022 / lk. 40-49 : fot*est Wastewater impact on the quality of waterbodies in EstoniaNiine, Raili; Loigu, Enn; Pachel, KarinAdvances in Environment, Computational Chemistry & Bioscience : [proceedings of the EED '12, COMPUCHEM '12, BIO '12, ICBB '12, ICAC '12] : Montreux, Switzerland, December 29-31, 20122012 / p. 175-180 : ill Water resources, sustainable use and integrated management in Estonia = Veevarud, nende terviklik haldamine ja säästlik kasutamine EestisPachel, Karin2010*est Vee kvaliteet [Võrguteavik] : proovivõtt. Osa 10, Juhised reoveest ja heitveest proovide võtmiseks = Water quality : sampling. Part 10, Guidance on sampling of waste waters (ISO 5667-10:1992)2015*est Vee kvaliteet [Võrguteavik] : proovivõtt. Osa 10, Juhised reoveest ja heitveest proovide võtmiseks = Water quality : sampling. Part 10, Guidance on sampling of waste waters (ISO 5667-10:2020, identical)2021*est Veevärk. Osa 1, Veehaarded / [Võrguteavik] = Waterworks. Part 1, Water intakes2015*est Virtual mapping of reference conditions of pollutant load in waterbodies : phosphorus in the Lake Peipsi basinPiirimäe, Kristjan; Loigu, Enn; Pachel, Karin; Iital, ArvoBoreal environment research2015 / p. 391-402 : ill Võimalusi Läänemere toitainekoormuse vähendamiseksIital, Arvo; Pachel, KarinKeskkonnatehnika2009 / 8, lk. 10-11 : ill*est Väliskanalisatsioonivõrk = Sewer systems outside buildings2013*est Väliskanalisatsioonivõrk [Võrguteavik] = Sewer system inside buildings2021*est Нагрузка загрязнениями водосбора Псково-Чудского озера и качество воды в рекахLoigu, Enn; Reihan, Alvina; Leisk, Ülle; Iital, Arvo; Pachel, KarinПсково-Чудское озеро2012 / с. 185-208 : ил