Adaptively under sampled, circular histogram based image processing for rotation invariant coin detectionMõlder, Ago; Märtens, Olev; Saar, TõnisBEC 2012 : 2012 13th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference : proceedings of the 13th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference : October 3-5, 2012, Tallinn, Estonia2012 / p. 137-140 : ill Adaptively undersampled image processing for fast multiline laser detectionMõlder, Ago; Märtens, Olev; Saar, Tõnis; Land, Raul2013 IEEE 8th International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing (WISP 2013) : proceedings2013 / p. 60-64 : ill [CD-ROM] An image processing algorithm for decoding line type codeJuurma, Märt8th International Symposium "Topical Problems in the Field of Electrical and Power Engineering" : Doctoral School of Energy and Geotechnology. 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Image denoising by a novel variable-order total fractional variation model : [review]Henno, JaakZentralblatt MATH2021 / 1 p Hyperspectral image band selection using poolingLiyanage, Dhanushka Chamara; Hudjakov, Robert; Tamre, Mart15th International Conference Mechatronic Systems and Materials : MSM'2020 : The book of selected, peer reviwed papers presented at the 15th International Conference Mechatronic Systems and Materials MSM'2020, July 1-3, 2020, Bialystok, Poland2020 Hyperspectral imaging methods improve RGB image semantic segmentation of unstructured terrainsLiyanage, Dhanushka Chamara; Hudjakov, Robert; Tamre, Mart15th International Conference Mechatronic Systems and Materials : MSM'2020 : The book of selected, peer reviwed papers presented at the 15th International Conference Mechatronic Systems and Materials MSM'2020, July 1-3, 2020, Bialystok, Poland2020 / 5 p. ill Image based counterfeit coin validationGavrijaševa, Alina; Märtens, OlevBEC 2014 : 2014 14th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference : proceedings of the 14th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference : Tallinn University of Technology, October 6-8, 2014, Tallinn, Estonia2014 / p. 153-156 : ill Image processing in the woodworking industry : challenges, solutions and platformsMõlder, Ago; Märtens, OlevElektronika ir elektrotechnika = Electronics and electrical engineering2011 / p. 43-46 : ill Image processing solutions for precise road profile measurement systems = Pilditöötluse lahendused täpsetele tee profiili mõõtesüsteemideleMõlder, Ago2015*est Improved interpolation kernels for super resolution algorithmsRasti, Pejman; Orlova, Olga; Tamberg, Gert; Ozcinar, Cagri2016 Sixth International Conference on Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications : IPTA 2016, Oulu, Finland, December 20162017 / [6] p. : ill Infotehnoloogia. 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[CD-ROM] Die Lösung der Elementaraufgaben der Bildverarbeitung mit dem RechnerAjaots, Maido; Põldmaa, Veiko; Tamre, MartOST-96 Symposium on Machine Design, [Stockholm], May 13-14, 1996 : proceedings1996 / p. 113-119: ill*est Masinõpe toetab maksimaalselt kiiret ja tõrgeteta tootmistAlvela, Ainohtuleht.ee2024 Masinõpe toetab maksimaalselt kiiret ja tõrgeteta tootmist Matrix Profile based anomaly detection in streaming gait data for fall preventionGerazov, Branislav; Hadjieva, Elena; Krivošei, Andrei; Sanchez, Fiorella Ines Soto; Rostovski, Jakob; Kuusik, Alar; Alam, Muhammad Mahtab2023 30th International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing (IWSSIP)2023 / p. 1-5 Multirate approaches for engineering applications : computational strategiesAstrov, Igor2015*est NB-IoT based visual smart waste management systemZulqarnain Khan, Sikandar; Hein, Haigo; Alam, Muhammad Mahtab; Le Moullec, Yannick; Pärand, Sven2022 18th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference (BEC)2022 / 6 p. : ill A new low-complexity patch-based image super-resolutionRasti, Pejman; Nasrollahi, Kamal; Orlova, Olga; Tamberg, Gert; Ozcinar, Cagri; Moeslund, Thomas B.; Anbarjafari, GholamrezaIET computer vision2017 / p. 567-576 : ill Pavement distress detection with deep learning using the orthoframes acquired by a mobile mapping systemRiid, Andri; Lõuk, Roland; Pihlak, Rene; Tepljakov, Aleksei; Vassiljeva, KristinaApplied sciences2019 / art. 4829, 22 p. : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Pildinduse matemaatilistest aspektidestTamberg, GertAastaraamat 2002-2003 / Eesti Matemaatika Selts2007 / lk. 30-60 : ill*est Pilditöötlus Photoscape EditorigaAnderson, AndrusE-õppe uudiskiri2009 / lk. 16-20 : ill Processing of distorted fingerprints with use of three-rate hybrid kohonen neural networksAstrov, Igor; Tatarly, S.; Tatarly, S.; Rüstern, EnnuProceedings of the 8th International Conference on Signal Processing : ICSP'06 : Guilin, China, November 16-20, 20062006 / p. 2383-2386 Processing of distorted fingerprints with use of three-rate hybrid kohonen neural networks [Electronic resource]Astrov, Igor; Tatarly, S.; Tatarly, S.; Rüstern, EnnuProceedings of the 8th International Conference on Signal Processing : ICSP'06 : Guilin, China, November 16-20, 20062006 / [4] p. [CD-ROM] Reducible dictionaries for single image super-resolution based on patch matching and mean shiftingRasti, Pejman; Nasrollahi, Kamal; Orlova, Olga; Tamberg, Gert; Moeslund, Thomas B.; Anbarjafari, GholamrezaJournal of electronic imaging2017 / p. 023024-1 - 023024-8 : ill Simple analysis of gel images with IOCBIO GelKütt, Jaak; Margus, Georg; Kask, Lauri; Rätsepso, Triinu; Soodla, Kärol; Bernasconi, Romain; Birkedal, Rikke; Järv, Priit; Laasmaa, Martin; Vendelin, MarkoBMC Biology2023 / art. 225 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Smart terrain perception using hyperspectral imaging = Hüperspektraal-pilditehnika maastiku nutikaks tajumiseksLiyanage, Dhanushka Chamara2021*est Song, Wei; Zheng, Yu; Fu, Chong; Shan, Pufang. A novel batch image encryption algorithm using parallel computing : [review]Henno, JaakZentralblatt MATH2020 / 1 p Statistical methods for ultrasound image segmentation = Ultrahelipiltide segmenteerimine statistiliste meetoditegaLi, Lin2015*est Teeme fotokaga videoJaanus, MartinPraktiline Arvutikasutaja2007 / 10, lk. 24*est A two-stream context-aware ConvNet for pavement distress detectionLõuk, Roland; Tepljakov, Aleksei; Riid, Andri2020 43rd International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing : TSP 2020, Milan, Italy, July 7-9, 20202020 / p. 270-273 : ill Using STLs for effective in-field test of GPUsRodriguez Condia, Josie E.; Da Silva, Felipe Augusto; Bagbaba, Ahmet Cagrl; Guerrero-Balaguera, Juan-David; Hamdioui, Said; Sauer, Christian; Reorda, Matteo SonzaIEEE Design and Test2023 / p. 109-117 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Variable-resolution image processing for validation of coinsMärtens, Olev; Saar, Tõnis; Gavrijaševa, Alina; Mõlder, Ago2011 IEEE 7th International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing (WISP) : Floriana, Malta, September 19-21, 2011 : proceedings2011 / p. 176-179: ill Waste paper sorting using imaging spectroscopyPõlder, Ahti; Juurma, Märt; Tamre, Mart13th International Symposium "Topical Problems in the Field of Electrical and Power Engineering." Doctoral School of Energy and Geotechnology II : Pärnu, Estonia, January 14-19, 20132013 / p. 283-284 : ill Visuaalkujutise töötlemine arvutis. 5Järg, Andrus; Penjam, JaanArvutustehnika ja Andmetöötlus1995 / 2, lk. 14-24: ill γ and α-(Fe, Ni) phase characterization using image processing and effect of phase formation on the P/M Fe(100-x)Ni(x) alloys propertiesSingh, Neera; Pandey, Vaibhav; Srivastava, Gargi; Banerjee, Supriya; Parkash, Om; Kumar, DevendraMaterials chemistry and physics2020 / art. 122794 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS