Dosch, W. (autor)

teaviku laadid

Toon andmeid..
Toon andmeid..
Toon andmeid..
Toon andmeid..
Toon andmeid..
Toon andmeid..
  • artikkel kogumikus
    Enriching interactive components with again commandsDosch, W.; Meriste, Merik; Mõtus, LeoProceedings of the 2007 IEEE International Conference on Electro/Information Technology : Chicago, Illinois, May 17-20, 2007. 12007 / p. 200-205
    artikkel kogumikus
  • artikkel kogumikus
    Time-awareness and proactivity in models of interactive computationDosch, W.; Meriste, Merik; Mõtus, LeoWorkshop on the Foundations of Interactive Computation, Scotland, 20052005 / p. 46-61
    artikkel kogumikus
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