Structural engineering research group
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Research classification (Frascati)
The studies of the group are related to theanalysis of various building structures andfoundations.Current research is focused on timber and steelstructures at ambient and elevated temperatures. Design methods are developed regardingthe effect of the charring layer on resistance oftimber elements in fire. Interaction of timberstructures with different insulation materialsand claddings is also studied. The Europeantest method for determining the fire resistanceof adhesives used in engineered wood structuresis under development. The research results havedirect connection with the revision process ofEurocode 5.Other topics of research cover connections andstiffness properties of cross laminated timberelements and behaviour of steel elements andconnections in fire.The members of the group provide their expertisein industrial research and development projectsof the construction sector.The research group cooperates with other technical universities and research institutes (ETH,RISE, TUM, MPA Stuttgart).
Related projects
Research group member
Doctoral students
structural engineering
fire resistance
steel structures
engineered wood
- Liblik, J., Just, A. Small-scale assessment method for the fire resistance of historic plaster system and timber structures // Fire and materials (2023) vol. 47, 1, p. 62−74 : ill. - Liblik, J., Nurk, M., Just, A. Charring performance of timber structures protected by traditional lime-based plasters // Construction and building materials (2022) vol. 347, art. 128572. - Alao, P. F., Marrot, L., Kallakas, H., Just, A., Poltimae, T., Kers, J. Effect of hemp fiber surface treatment on the moisture/water resistance and reaction to fire of reinforced PLA composites // Materials (2021) Vol. 14, 15, art. 4332, 17 p. : ill. - Kleinhenz, M., Just, A., Frangi, A. Experimental analysis of cross-laminated timber rib panels at normal temperature and in fire // Engineering structures (2021) Vol. 246, art. 113091, 14 p. : ill. - Kervalishvili, A., Talvik, I. Reliability based design method for buckling of steel columns in fire // Journal of Structural Fire Engineering (2020) Vol. 11, Issue 2, p. 167 - 187. - Tuhkanen, E., Mölder, J., Schickhofer, G. Influence of number of layers on embedment strength of dowel-type connections for glulam and cross-laminated timber // Engineering structures (2018) vol. 176, p. 361-368 : ill. - Tuhkanen, E., Ojamaa, M. Early experimental investigations on slotted-in steel plate connections with self-perforating dowels in CLT // Wood material science and engineering, Wood material science & engineering (2021) vol. 16, 2, p. 102-109 : ill. - Liblik, J., Küppers, J., Maaten, B., Just, A. Fire protection provided by clay and lime plasters // Wood Material Science & Engineering (2021) vol. 16, 5, p. 290-298. - Lohmus, Rynno; Kallakas, Heikko; Tuhkanen, Eero; Gulik, Volodymyr; Kiisk, Madis; Saal, Kristjan; Kalamees, Targo The effect of prestressing and temperature on tensile strength of basalt fiber-reinforced plywood // Materials (2021) vol. 14, 16, art. 4701, 9 p. : ill. - Liblik J., Just A., Maaten B., Pajusaar S. et al. Material properties of clay and lime plaster for structural fire design // Fire and materials (2021) vol. 45, 3, p. 355-365 : ill. - Mäger K.N., Just, A., Sterley, M, Olofsson, R. Influence of adhesives on fire resistance of wooden i-joists // World Conference on Timber Engineering 2021, WCTE 2021. Red Hook : World Conference on Timber Engineering (WCTE), 2021. p. 1172–1179. - Liblik, J., Järnefelt, K., Just, A. et al. Renovation of a wooden building in a historic village - a case study from Finland // WCTE 2018 - World Conference on Timber Engineering., 2018.
Renovation... - Liblik, J., Küppers, J., Just, A. et al. Fire safety of historic timber buildings with traditional plasters in Europe // WCTE 2018 - World Conference on Timber Engineering. [S.l.], 2018.
Fire safety... - Just, A., Brandon, D., Mäger, K.N., Pukk, R. et al. CLT compartment fire test // WCTE 2018 - World Conference on Timber Engineering., 2018.
CLT... - Tiso, M., Just, A., Schmid, J., Mäger, K. N., Klippel, M. et al. Evaluation of zero-strength layer depths for timber members of floor assemblies with heat resistant cavity insulations // Fire safety journal (2019) vol. 107, p. 137-148 : ill. - Kallakas, H., Liblik, J., Alao, P. F., Poltimäe, T., Just, A., Kers, J. Fire and mechanical properties of hemp and clay boards for timber structures // IOP conference series : earth and environmental science, Central Europe towards Sustainable Building (CESB19) 2–4 July 2019, Prague, Czech Republic (2019) vol. 290, art. 012019, 8 p. : ill. - Tiso, M., Just, A., Schmid, J., Klippel, M. Effective cross-sectional method for timber frame assemblies - definition of coefficients and zero‐strength layers // Fire and materials (2018) vol. 42, 8, p. 897-913 : ill. - Tuhkanen, E., Rauk, L. Potential of cross-laminated timber for independent shear wall systems // Wood material science and engineering (2019) vol. 14, 5, p. 355-365 : ill. - Mäger, K.N., Just, A., Schmid, J., Werther, N., Klippel, M., Brandon, D., Frangi, A. Procedure for implementing new materials to the component additive method // Fire safety journal (2019) vol. 107, p. 149-160 : ill. - Fahrni, R., Klippel, M., Just, A., Ollinoc, A., Frangi, A. Fire tests on glued-laminated timber beams with specific local material properties // Fire safety journal (2019) vol. 107, p. 161-169 : ill. - Schmid, J., Klippel, M., Just, A., Frangi, A., Tiso, M. Simulation of the fire resistance of cross-laminated timber (CLT) // Fire technology (2018) vol. 54, 5, p. 1113–1148 : ill. - Östman, B., Schmid, J., Klippel, M., Just, A., Werther, N., Brandon, D. Fire design of CLT in Europe // Wood and Fiber Science (2018) vol. 50, p. 68-82. - Tiso, M., Just, A. Design criteria for insulation materials applied in timber frame assemblies // Journal of Structural Fire Engineering (2018) Vol. 9, 3, p. 252 - 263. - Dageneis, C., Just, A., Östman, B. Timber structures and wood products // Fire safe use of wood in buildings : global design guide. Florida : CRC Press Taylor Francis Group, 2022. 32 p. : ill. - Just, A., Abu, A., Barber, D., Dagenais, C., Klippel, M., Milner, M. Load-bearing timber structures // Fire safe use of wood in buildings : global design guide. Florida : CRC Press Taylor Francis Group, 2022. p. 227-276. - Werther, N., Dagenais, C., Just, A., Wade, C. Fire-separating assemblies // Fire safe use of wood in buildings : global design guide. Florida : CRC Press Taylor Francis Group, 2022. p. 193-226 : ill. - Buchanan, A., Dunn, A., Just, A., Klippel, M., Maluk, C., Östman, B., Wade, C. Fire safety in timber buildings // Fire safe use of wood in buildings : global design guide. Florida : CRC Press Taylor Francis Group, 2022. p. 33-62 : ill. - Kervalishvili, A., Talvik, I. Computationally efficient method for steel column buckling in fire // Buildings (2023) vol. 13, 2, 19 p. - Witt, E., Nurk, J. L., Lill, I. From zero to hero? Changes in the Estonian context for refugees // Rebuilding Communities After Displacement : Sustainable and Resilience Approaches. Cham : Springer, 2023. p. 59–78.