Water and environmental engineering research group
Head of the research group
Related department
Department of civil engineering and architecture
TalTech priority area
Research classification (Frascati)
This is an interdisciplinary research group,where engineers, hydrologists, water chemistsand other specialists from both water and environmental engineering participate. Research isdeveloped in the following directions: Sustainable management of water resources and water quality. Hydrologicalstudies of rivers from engineering viewpoint. Climate change and its impact onthe quantity and quality of water. Floodsand draughts. Studies on pressures having impact onwater quality. Regularities in water quality formation in both natural conditionsas well as under various anthropogenicimpacts. Studies in the field of riverine pollutionloads. Water protection measures. Innovative methods of water monitoring(automatic systems for water monitoring).Studies on diffuse pollution and mitigationthereof. Urban water supply (domestic water) andsewage systems (sewerage, wastewater,stormwater), including pipelines outsidebuildings, internal pipelines in buildings,treatment facilities, engineering solutionsand technologies, studies for improvingdesign and construction. Pharmaceuticalresidues and heavy metals in municipalwastewater and sludge, as well as elaboration of relevant treatment technologies. Waste management. Waste utilisation.Treatment technologies for landfill leachate water, engineering solutions. Investigation of the possibilities of productionof biogas from biodegradable waste andby-products of the processing industry.
Related projects
Research group member
Doctoral students
water quality
water resources
climate changes
pollution load
water supply
water monitoring
- Laanearu, J., Cuthbertson, A. Hydraulics of stratified sill flows within varying channel geometries : investigating energy loss and mixing of maximal two-layer exchange // Environmental fluid mechanics (2023) vol. 23, 2, p. 429-464.
https://doi.org/10.1007/s10652-022-09899-6 - He, J., Hou, D., Lian, J., Tijsseling, A. S., Bozkus, Z., Laanearu, J., Lin, L. Three-dimensional CFD analysis of liquid slug acceleration and impact in a voided pipeline with end orifice // Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics (2022) vol. 16, 1, p. 1444-1463.
https://doi.org/10.1080/19942060.2022.2095440 - Lee, S. A., Mork, J., Voća, N., Voronova, V. et al. A comparison of waste education in schools and colleges across five European cities // International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology (2022) vol. 29, 4, p. 338-348.
https://doi.org/10.1080/13504509.2021.2019138 - Filho, W.L., Salvia, A.L., Bonoli, A., Voronova, V., Klõga, M. et al. An assessment of attitudes towards plastics and bioplastics in Europe // The science of the total environment (2021) vol. 755, art. 142732, 10 p. : ill.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.142732 - Filho, W.L., Voronova, V., Kloga, M. et al. COVID-19 and waste production in households: A trend analysis // Science of the total environment (2021) vol. 777, art. 145997, 7 p.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.145997 - Preisner, M., Smol, M., Horttanainen, M., Roosalu, K., et al. Indicators for resource recovery monitoring within the circular economy model implementation in the wastewater sector // Journal of Environmental Management (2022) vol. 304, art. 114261.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2021.114261 - Smol, M., Preisner, M., Bianchini, A., Voronova, V., Pachel, K. et al. Strategies for sustainable and circular management of phosphorus in the Baltic Sea region : The holistic approach of the InPhos project // Sustainability (2020) vol. 12, 6, 21 p. : ill.
https://doi.org/10.3390/su12062567 - De Falco, M. C., Adduce, C., Cuthbertson, A., Negretti, M. E., Laanearu, J., Malcangio, D., Sommeria, J. Experimental study of uni- and bi-directional exchange flows in a large scale rotating trapezoidal channel // Physics of Fluids (2021) Vol. 33, 3, art. 036602, 17 p. : ill.
https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0039251 - Filho, W. L., Barbir, J., Abubakar, I. R., Paco, A., Stasiskiene, Z., Hornbogen, M., Fendt, M. T. C., Voronova, V., Klõga, M. Consumer attitudes and concerns with bioplastics use: An international study // PLoS ONE (2022) vol. 17, 4, art. e0266918.
https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0266918 - Timonen, H., Mylläri, F., Simonen, P., Aurela, M., Maasikmets, M., Bloss M., Kupri, H.-L., Vainumäe, K., Lepistö, T., Salo, L. et al. Household solid waste combustion with wood increases particulate trace metal and lung deposited surface area emissions // Journal of environmental management (2021) vol. 293, art. 112793, 10 p. : ill.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2021.112793 - Leal Filho, W., Dedeoglu, C., Dinis, M. A. P., Salvia, A. L., Barbir, J., Voronova, V., Abubakar, I. R., Iital, A., Pachel, K. et al. Riverine plastic pollution in Asia : results from a bibliometric assessment // Land (2022) vol. 11, 7, art. 1117.
https://doi.org/10.3390/land11071117 - Cuthbertson, A., Brentsen, J., Laanearu, J., Asplin, M. Rotational effects on exchange flows across a submerged sill // Environmental fluid mechanics (2021) Vol. 21, 2, p. 405−432 : ill.
https://doi.org/10.1007/s10652-021-09779-5 - Stasiškienė, Ž., Barbir, J., Draudvilienė, L., Chong, Z.K., Kuchta, K., Voronova, V., Leal Filho, W. Challenges and strategies for bio-based and biodegradable plastic waste management in Europe // Sustainability (Switzerland) (2022) vol. 14, 24, art. 16476.
https://doi.org/10.3390/su142416476 - Lubura, J., Pezo, L., Sandu, M. A., Voronova, V., Donsì, F., Šic Žlabur, J., Ribic, B., Peter, A., Šuric, J., Brandic, I., Klõga, M. et al. Food recognition and food waste estimation using convolutional neural network // Electronics (2022) vol. 11, 22, art. 3745.
https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics11223746 - Kõrgmaa, V., Laht, M., Rebane, R., Lember, E., Pachel, K., Iital, A. et al. Removal of hazardous substances in municipal wastewater treatment plants // Water Science & Technology, Water science and technology (2020) vol. 81, 9, p. 2011−2022.
https://doi.org/10.2166/wst.2020.264 - Hou, Q., Li, S., Tijsseling, A.S., Laanearu, J. Discussion of "Rigid Water Column Model for Simulating the Emptying Process in a Pipeline Using Pressurized Air" by Oscar E. Coronado-Hernández, Vicente S. Fuertes-Miquel, Pedro L. Iglesias-Rey, and Francisco J. Martínez-Solano // Journal of hydraulic engineering (2020) vol. 146, 3, art. 07020001, 6 p. : ill.
https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)HY.1943-7900.0001682 - Bardule, A., Iital, A., Lazdiņa, D. et al. A reactive nitrogen budget for forest land and wetlands in Latvia and Estonia // Scandinavian journal of forest research (2020) vol. 35, 8, p. 513−522.
https://doi.org/10.1080/02827581.2020.1825788 - Laanearu, J. Air exchange of the hydraulic system with water-drag-driven dynamics // Proceedings 39th IAHR World Congress. : International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR), 2022. p. 1797-1803.
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https://doi.org/10.17770/etr2021vol1.6612 - Oldekop, N., Liiv, T., Laanearu, J. Experimental study of eddy viscosity for breaking waves on sloping bottom and comparisons with empirical and numerical predictions // Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences (2019) vol. 68, 3, p. 299–312 : ill.
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https://doi.org/10.2166/nh.2017.289 - Kaur, K., Annus, I., Laanearu, J. Experimental measurements of momentum changes at hydraulic jump in a transparent horizontal pipe // Papers presented at 13th International Conference on Pressure Surges, Bordeaux, France, 14th-16th November, 2018 ; volume 2. Bedfordshire : BHR Group, 2018. p. 925–935 : ill.
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https://doi.org/10.5004/dwt.2018.22460 - Lundberg, P., Laanearu, J. Improvements of series convergence to the rotating-channel flow problem using hydraulic solutions for a parabolic passage // Journal of hydraulic research (2018) vol. 56, 3, p. 313-323 : ill.
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http://www.kirj.ee/public/proceedings_pdf/2018/issue_4/proc-2018-4-305-314.pdf https://doi.org/10.3176/proc.2018.4.02 - Laanearu, J., Kaur, K. Two-phase CFD modelling of air-water flow transition in a horizontal circular pipe and comparisons with experimental results // Papers presented at 13th International Conference on Pressure Surges, Bordeaux, France, 14th-16th November, 2018 ; volume 2. Bedfordshire : BHR Group, 2018. p. 937–948 : ill.
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https://doi.org/10.1080/02786826.2019.1578858 - Cuthbertson, A., Laanearu, J., Carr, M., Sommeria, J., Viboud, S. Blockage of saline intrusions in restricted, two-layer exchange flows across a submerged sill obstruction // Environmental fluid mechanics (2018) vol. 18, 1, p. 27-57 : ill.
https://doi.org/10.1007/s10652-017-9523-2 - Tabri, K., Heinvee, M., Laanearu, J., Kollo, M., Goerlandt, F. An online platform for rapid oil outflow assessment from grounded tankers for pollution response // Marine pollution bulletin (2018) vol. 135, p. 963-976 : ill.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpolbul.2018.06.039 - Kotta, J., Herkül, K., Jaagus, J., Kaasik, A., Raudsepp, U., Alari, V., Laanemets, J., Maljutenko, I., Männik, A., Reihan, A. et al. Linking atmospheric, terrestrial and aquatic environments : Regime shifts in the Estonian climate over the past 50 years // PLoS ONE (2018) vol. 13, 12, e0209568, 20 p. : ill.
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