Miasayedava, Lizaveta
TalTech department
In TalTech
Birth and death data
Place of birth
Career in TalTech
arvutisüsteemide instituut, doktorant-nooremteadur 01.09.2020-31.08.2022
Teenistuskäik mujal
Newcode.ai, Oslo, tarkvarainsener 2024-
Tark Masin OÜ, juhatuse liige
Research group member
Centre for biorobotics. Dependable IT solutions, Smart and energy efficient environments.Kruusmaa, Maarja WwwCentre for environmental sensing and intelligence. Smart and energy efficient environments, Dependable IT solutions.Tuhtan, Jeffrey Andrew WwwLaboratory of proactive technologies. Smart and energy efficient environments, Dependable IT solutions.Kaugerand, Jaanus Veeb