
Private law en
Research classification (Frascati)
Head of the research group
algoritmidel baseeruv otsustusprotsess ja vastutus et
algorithm-based decision-making and liability en
plokiahel ja targad lepingud et
blockchain and smart contracts en
Tööstus 4.0 õiguslik raamistatus/IoT majandusele et
legal frameworks for Industry 4.0/IoT en
küberjulgeolek et
tarbijakaitseõigus et
consumer law en
hübriidmetoodika (inimese-arvuti koostöö aspektid) et
mixed methodologies (human-computer interaction) en
vahendatud ülekannete disain et
mediated transaction design en
alternatiivse vaidluste lahendamise meetodid (arbitraaž ja vahendamine)
alternative dispute resolution methods (arbitration and mediation) en
tööõigus et
labor law en
õiguse valdkonnas kasutatavad tehnoloogiad et
Legal Tech en
Uurimisrühma põhitegevused on suunatud järgmistele valdkondadele:• eraõigus, fookusega eraõiguslikele õiguslikele suhetele digitaalsetes keskkondades; • sotsiaalsete muutuste vajaduste kaardistamine• kontekstispetsiifilised õiguspoliitika soovitused et
Our research group is committed to producingambitious cutting-edge work in the field of private law, having a special focus on private legalrelationships in digital environments. Primarilydesigned to iteratively develop expertise on thesematters, members of the research group aim toshare and disseminate their work to complementlegal and social discourses and, where identifable and necessary, actualize societal changetherein. We aim to contribute to international,national and regional debates on these matters,address traditional and novel legal problemswith a varied toolbox of methods, and, where appropriate, based on developed expertise, proposenuanced policy-recommendations and contextspecific legal advice.Big data, IoT, AI and the respective legal interferences of their implementation and use insociety form the core subject of our research, butwe have also focused on legal implications of theGig-economy, competition law and data governance issues in Smart Cities. Also research onHCI and HCI research methods, mixed researchmethodology, international business transactions international mediation forms an essentialpart of our competencies.The research group incorporates elements ofthe Value-Sensitive Design framework intodiscussions on societally acceptable, inclusive,human-centric and thus innovative governancemechanisms in private legal relationships. en
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