Roininen, Lassi Ilkka Juhana 1979-
Google Scholar profile
TalTech department
In TalTech
Career in TalTech
matemaatikainstituut, nooremteadur 01.06.-30.09.2015, teadur 01.10.2015-29.02.2016
Teenistuskäik mujal
Lappeenranta-Lahti Tehnikaülikool, professor 2022-
Oulu Ülikool, teadur 2008-2015
More information
Organiser of the educational exchange programme between Bahir Dar University, Department of Physics and University of Oulu 2009-2015; Coordinator of the Bahir Dar University curriculum development programme in Mathematics and Working Life project 2013-2015