Globaalne valitsemine

Global governance
Research classification (Frascati)
Head of the research group
P2P technologies
ühisomandil põhinev koosloome
commons-based peer production
mitte-Lääne avalik haldus
non-Western public administration
globaalne valitsemine
global governance
development policy
Valitsemise uurimisrühm keskendub peamiselt alusuuringutele, ennekõike valitsemise (governance) teooriate ja mudelite lahtimõtestamisele tänapäeva (eriti IT arengu ja levikuga kaasnevate) sotsiaal-tehniliste muutuste kontekstis. Rühma teadustööd raamistavad prof. Kostakisele omistatud ERC alustava teadlase grant Cosmolocalism ( ning kaks H2020 projekti „Centrinno“ ja „Smooth“. Rühma teadustööst kasvas välja ka 2019. aastal alustanud TalTech’i Targa linna tippkeskus ja EU Teamingu projekt „FinEst Twins: Helsinki and Tallinn as Smart and Sustainable Cities“, millega tehakse ka täna tihedat koostööd. Muuhulgas on rühma fookus järgmistel uurimisteemadel: (a) globaalsete valitsemismudelite analüüs,sh Lääne ja Aasia valitsemismudelite ja –traditsioonide võrdlus; (b) tehnoloogiliste arengute (ennekõike IT) mõju valitsemisele, mh targa linna tehnoloogiate ja protsesside analüüs valitsemise perspektiivist, P2P tehnoloogiate tekitatud uute tootmis-, tarbimis- ja valitsemismudelite analüüs; (c) kestlikkuse, kasvu-põhiste, kasvu-järgsete (post-growth) majandus- ja innovatsioonimudelite alternatiivsed käsitlused ning nende mõõtmine.
The Governance group deals with basic, as well as policy-focused, academic research focusing on the analysis of governance theories and paradigms in the context of modern sociotechnical changes, led especially by the ICT diffusion. The group comprises the ERC Starting Grant ‘Cosmolocalism’, and two large grants,‘Centrinno’ and ‘Smooth’, funded from the EU’s Horizon 2020. The ‘FinEst Twins: Helsinki and Tallinn as Smart and Sustainable Cities’ EU Teaming grant, 2019-26, with €32 million the largest research grant in Estonian history, that commenced in late 2019, originally emerged from this research group.Special focus has been on the following topics:‚ analysis of global paradigms of governance and comparison of Western and non-Western/Asian paradigms and traditions,‚ the impact of technological changes on governance, including the emergence of the concept of smart city and the impact of P2P technologies on production and consumption traditions and governance models‚ alternative perspectives on sustainability, growth, innovation and their metrics generally.In all these fields the group is internationally recognized as a trailblazing think tank. This is best exemplified by the fact that both Prof. Drechsler and Prof. Kostakis are affiliates of Harvard University – at the David Centre for Russian and Eurasian Studies and the Berkman Klein Centre for Internet and Society respectively– and the former also at UCL’s Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose, all three usually recognized as the number one institution in their specific field globally. Almost all of the group is also actively contributing (research, outreach activities) to the path-breaking work of the P2P Lab. This focus provides the foundation for RND’s research in many other research groups from e-governance to innovation studies. The group co-founded the international Fab City Foundation in Tallinn (
Important results
2023. aastal keskendus uurimisrühm budistlikule ja islamistlikule avalikule haldusele, kuigi ka konfutsianistlikku avalikku haldust ei jäetud tähelepanuta.Professor Drechsleri kaasautosruses ilmus monograafia „How to Make an Entrepreneurial State: Why Innovation Needs Bureaucracy“ (Yale University Press, 2022). Autorid: Rainer Kattel, Erkki Karo, Wolfgang Drechsler pälvis maineka Academy of Management 2023. aasta raamatuauhinna. George. R Terry nimelist auhinda peetakse üheks olulisemaks juhtimisalaseks raamatuauhinnaks maailmas.Vt.