Public management and policy

Research classification (Frascati)
Activities within the research group are based onthree research grants, which all address reformsin public management, citizen participation inpolicy-making process and collaboration in publicgovernance. Throughout the research themes, themembers of the group explore both the Estoniancase as well as global and European comparativeperspectives. Most members of the group participate in the Horizon 2020 financed research projectTROPICO ( on hownew technologies and social innovation affectcooperation and collaboration practices in European public sectors. Prof. Tiina Randma-Liivis leading a cross-European comparative studyon e-participation, whereas the other membersof the group contribute to several work packageson collaborative governance. Dr. Külli Sarapuuis leading an Estonian Research Council Grant(PUT1461, Coordination instruments at thecenter of government: opportunities and limitations of temporary task forces) to study institutional innovations in public administration. Theresearch group is also actively involved in theinternational research project on small states,where the group’s specific area of responsibility is small state administration (VERT17134,Navigating the Storm: The Challenges of SmallStates in Europe). The group is actively cooperating with Estonian government institutions andnonprofit organizations (e.g. the GovernmentOffice, the Ministry of Finance, PRAXIS Centerfor Policy Studies). The members of the groupare participating in different internationalacademic networks and editorial boards. Prof.Randma-Liiv belongs to the editorial boards of 13academic journals. Dr. Sarapuu co-chairs EGPApermanent study group titled ‘Governance ofPublic Sector Organizations’ and is a member ofNISPAcee steering committee – two prominentpublic administration networks in Europe.
Head of the research group
public sector management
administrative reform
small states