Laboratory of biofunctional materials
Head of the research group
Related department
TalTech priority area
The group develops smart biosensing functionalmaterials to propose solutions with considerablepotential impact on essential areas of human lifesuch as environmental protection and medicaldiagnostics. By employing the molecular imprinting technology, the group designs and synthesizes polymeric materials so called MolecularlyImprinted Polymers (MIP). The main benefitsof MIPs is related to their synthetic nature, i.e.excellent chemical and thermal stability associated with reproducible, cost-effective fabrication.MIPs can be easily integrated with a variety ofsensor platforms including piezogravimetric,optical and electrochemical transducers andallowing label-free detection of a target analytewith high sensitivity and selectivity. The groupsucceeded in developing the MIP-based sensorscapable of determining sulfamethizole, amoxicillin, erythromycin as well as immunoglobulin G,neurotrophic factors (BDNF, CDNF) and viralproteins (SARS-Cov-2 nucleocapsid and spikeproteins).
Research group member
Doctoral students
Research classification (Frascati)
Molecularly Imprinted Polymers
synthetic receptors
medical diagnostics
environmental monitoring
COVID-19 express test
- Ayankojo, A.G., Boroznjak, R., Reut, J., Öpik, A., Syritski, V. Molecularly imprinted polymer based electrochemical sensor for quantitative detection of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein // Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical (2022) vol. 353, Art. 131160. - Antipchik, M., Reut, J., Ayankojo, A. G., Öpik, A., Syritski, V. MIP-based electrochemical sensor for direct detection of hepatitis C virus via E2 envelope protein // Talanta (2022) vol. 250, art. 123737. - Ayankojo, A. G., Reut, J., Nguyen, V. B. C., Boroznjak, R., Syritski, V. Advances in detection of antibiotic pollutants in aqueous media using molecular imprinting technique - a review // Biosensors (2022) vol. 12, 7, art. 441. - Raziq, A., Kidakova, A., Boroznjak, R., Reut, J., Öpik, A., Sõritski, V. Development of a portable MIP-based electrochemical sensor for detection of SARS-CoV-2 antigen // Biosensors and bioelectronics (2021) vol. 178, art. 113029. - Antipchik, M., Korzhikova-Vlakh, E., Polyakov, D., Tarasenko, I., Reut, J., Öpik, A., Syritski, V. An electrochemical biosensor for direct detection of hepatitis C virus // Analytical Biochemistry (2021) vol. 624, art. 114196. - Ayankojo, A. G., Reut, J., Ciocan, V., Öpik, A., Sõritski, V. Molecularly imprinted polymer-based sensor for electrochemical detection of erythromycin // Talanta (2020) vol. 209, art. 120502, 9 p. : ill. - Kidakova, A., Boroznjak, R., Reut, J., Öpik, A. Saarma, M., Sõritski, V. Molecularly imprinted polymer-based SAW sensor for label-free detection of cerebral dopamine neurotrophic factor protein // Sensors and actuators B : chemical (2020) vol. 308, art. 127708, 8 p. : ill. - Ayankojo, A.G., Reut, J., Öpik, A., Sõritski, V. Sulfamethizole-imprinted polymer on screen-printed electrodes: Towards the design of a portable environmental sensor // Sensors and actuators B. Chemical (2020) vol. 320, art. 128600, 9 p. : ill. - Iudin, D., Zashikhina, N., Demyanova, E., Boroznjak, R. et al. Polypeptide self-assembled nanoparticles as delivery systems for polymyxins B and E // Pharmaceutics (2020) vol. 12, 9, art. 868, 20 p. : ill. - Rump, A., Risti, R., Kristal M.-L., Reut, J., Syritski, V., Lõokene, A., Rüütel Boudinot, S. Dual ELISA using SARS-CoV-2 N protein produced in E. coli and CHO cells reveals epitope masking by N-glycosylation // Biochemical and biophysical research communications (2021) vol. 534, p. 457−460. - Antipchik, M.; Dzhuzha, A.; Sirotov, V.; Tennikova, T.; Korzhikova-Vlakh, E. Molecularly imprinted macroporous polymer monolithic layers for L-phenylalanine recognition in complex biological fluids // Journal of applied polymer science (2021) vol. 138, 12, art. e50070. - Sulaimon, L. A., Afolabi, L. O., Adisa, R. A., Ayankojo, A. G., Afolabi, M. O., Adewolu, A. M., Wan, X. Pharmacological significance of MitoQ in ameliorating mitochondria-related diseases // Advances in Redox Research (2022) vol. 5, art. 100037. - Antipchik, M., Polyakov, D., Sinitsyna, E. et al. Towards the development of a 3-D biochip for the detection of hepatitis C virus // Sensors (2020) vol. 20, 9, art. 2719, 17 p. - Onga, L., Boroznjak, R., Kornev, I., Preis, S. Oxidation of aqueous organic molecules in gas-phase pulsed corona discharge affected by sodium dodecyl sulphate: Explanation of variability // Journal of electrostatics (2021) vol. 111, art. 103581, 6 p. - Sulaimon, L. A., Adisa, R. A., Samuel, T. A., Abdulkareem, F. B., Ayankojo, A. G. Mitoquinol mesylate alleviates oxidative damage in cirrhotic and advanced hepatocellular carcinogenic rats through mitochondrial protection and antioxidative effects // Advances in Redox Research (2021) vol. 3, art. 100014. - Sulaimon, L. A., Adisa, R. A., Samuel, T. A., Joel, I. Y., Ayankojo, A. G., Abdulkareem, F. B., Olaniyi, T. O. Molecular mechanism of mitoquinol mesylate in mitigating the progression of hepatocellular carcinoma - in silico and in vivo studies // Journal of Cellular Biochemistry (2021) vol. 122, 9, p. 1157-1172. - Öpik, A. Foreword // Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences (2018) vol. 67, 2, p. 115–116. - Teras, M., Viisileht, E., Pahtma-Hall, M., Rump, A., Paalme, V., Pata, P., Pata, I., Langevin, C., Boudinot Ruutel, S. Porcine circovirus type 2 ORF3 protein induces apoptosis in melanoma cells // BMC cancer (2018) Vol. 18, Issue 1, art. 1237, 12 p. : ill. - Ayankojo, A.G., Reut, J., Öpik, A., Tretjakov, A., Sõritski, V. Enhancing binding properties of imprinted polymers for the detection of small molecules // Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences (2018) vol. 67, 2, p. 138–146 : ill. - Kidakova, A., Reut, J., Boroznjak, R., Öpik, A., Sõritski, V. Advanced sensing materials based on molecularly imprinted polymers towards developing point-of-care diagnostics devices // Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences (2019) vol. 68, 2, p. 158–167 : ill. - Kidakova, A., Reut, J., Rappich, J., Öpik, A., Sõritski, V. Preparation of a surface-grafted protein-selective polymer film by combined use of controlled/living radical photopolymerization and microcontact imprinting // Reactive and functional polymers (2018) vol. 125, p. 47-56. - Ayankojo, A.G., Reut, J., Boroznjak, R., Öpik, A., Sõritski, V. Molecularly imprinted poly(meta-phenylenediamine) based QCM sensor for detecting Amoxicillin // Sensors and actuators B : chemical (2018) vol. 258, p. 766-774 : ill. - Kovacovicova, K.; Školnaja, M.; Heinmaa, M.; Mistrik, M.; Pata, P.; Pata, I. et al. Senolytic cocktail Dasatinib+Quercetin (D+Q) does not enhance the efficacy of senescence-inducing chemotherapy in liver cancer [Online resource] // Frontiers in oncology (2018) vol. 8, art. 459, 7 p. : ill. - Ayankojo, A.G., Reut, J., Öpik, A., Furchner, A., Sõritski, V. Hybrid molecularly imprinted polymer for amoxicillin detection // Biosensors and bioelectronics (2018) vol. 118, p. 102-107 : ill. - Giallongo, S., Řeháková, D., Biagini, T., Lo Re, O., Raina, P., Lochmanová, G., Zdráhal, Z., Resnick, I., Pata, P., Pata, I., Mistrík, M., De Magalhães, J., Mazza, T., Koutná, I., Vinciguerra, M. Histone variant macroH2A1.1 Enhances nonhomologous end joining-dependent DNA double-strand-break repair and reprogramming efficiency of human iPSCs // Stem Cells (2022) vol. 40, 1, p. 35 - 48. - Nguyen, V. B. C., Ayankojo, A. G., Reut, J., Rappich, J., Furchner, A., Hinrichs, K., Syritski, V. Molecularly imprinted co-polymer for class-selective electrochemical detection of macrolide antibiotics in aqueous media // Sensors and actuators B : chemical (2023) vol. 374, 1, art. 132768, 9 p. : ill. - Ayankojo, A. G., Boroznjak, R., Reut, J., Tuvikene, J., Timmusk, T., Syritski, V. Electrochemical sensor based on molecularly imprinted polymer for rapid quantitative detection of brain-derived neurotrophic factor // Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical (2023) Vol. 397, art. 134656. - Bikbaeva, G., Egorova, A., Sonin, N., Pilip, A., Kolesnikov, I., Pankin, D., Boroznjak, R., Manshina, A. Vinyl phosphonates as photopharmacological agents : laser-induced cis-trans isomerization and butyrylcholinesterase activity // ChemPhotoChem (2023) vol. 7, 11, art. e202300131. - Kedruk, Y. Y., Paltusheva, Z. U., Gritsenko, L. V., Syritski, V. Structural properties of ZnO nanopowders synthesized by thermal decomposition // Physical sciences and technology (2023) vol. 10, 3-4, p. 80-86.