Laboratory of environmental technology

Head of the research group
Related department
Department of materials and environmental technology
The laboratory has long-term experience in water, air and soil treatment technologies, with themain emphasis on the implementation of the Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs). The latterencompasses several oxidative technologies commonly recruiting highly powerful oxidants. Suchtechnologies include ozonation and its catalyticmodification, Fenton and Fenton-like reagents,photolytic and photocatalytic processes, oxidation with persulphate and peroxy-compounds,ultrasonication, and pulsed electric dischargeplasma treatment.The processes under study have great potentialfor the removal of persistent and micro-contaminants from water/wastewater, contaminatedsoils and exhaust gases. Treatment of air withpulsed corona electrical discharge plasma as ahigh energy efficiency purification process is usedto destroy microorganisms, including viruses,and to decompose volatile organic compounds.These green technologies are being applied tothe sustainable use of resources in the circulareconomy. The laboratory personnel participate in an international project addressing one of thecurrent challenges in water treatment, the abatement of natural radioactivity and aluminiumwaste recycling.
Research classification (Frascati)
water and wastewater treatment
indoor air purification
advanced oxidation processes
pulsed corona discharge plasma technology