Laboratory of spin design

Research classification (Frascati)
Head of the research group
Doctoral students
Danziger, Neeme
radio engineering
technical ceramics
NMR is a remarkably universal analyticalmethod since essential spin interactions can bereliably calculated. The spectra allow in principlea 3D reproduction of the entire spin system and associated atoms/molecules, even a dynamicsof it, given sufficient resolution and sensitivity.The group develops NMR sensors-probeheads,notably to use the most sensitive nuclei-hydrogens, in locally viscous and solid environment.The most critical feature is rapid sample spinning. We were the first to reach rates beyond120 kHz, getting presently over 150 kHz, whichfacilitates a practical inverse detection in solidstate NMR. The immediate sensitivity increaseis two orders of magnitude. The technology is applied in contemporary priority areas: biomedicalresearch and development of F-ion batteries asa safer and more potent alternative for Li-basedenergy storage. The related key competencescomprise CAD/CAM design, RF circuit modelling, technical ceramics processing and micromachining.
Important results
Due to our development of MAS NMR technology we succeeded for the first time to recordcorrelated dispersions of the chemical shifts of1H and 13C in solids. This enabled resolutionof crystalline and amorphous fractions of thewood cellulose.
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