Economic performance: integration, governance and policy

Head of the research group
The research group studies contemporary andpolicy-relevant issues that affect the performance of economies under rapid change. The groupseeks to identify key relationships at the macroeconomic and microeconomic levels, to ascertainnew policy challenges, and to devise policy measures to improve economic performance.The senior staff members work individually,together with other members of the group orwith researchers outside the group. The researchis typically empirical and with a clear appliedfocus. The research typically uses contemporaryeconometric methodologies and public or proprietary datasets. The senior group members allhave doctoral degrees from reputed universities.Their competences are partly complementary assome focus on advanced econometric methodology, some on contemporary economic analysis,and some on policy-oriented studies. The groupmembers with doctoral degrees are among themost productive and cited research economistsin Estonia as witnessed by their research outputand REPEC/Ideas rankings.Most of the research group members (Staehr,Rõõm, Levenko, Harkmann, Reigl, Soosaar,Urke, Kollo, Rebane) are affiliated with EestiPank and carry out analysis and applied researchat this institution.
Research classification (Frascati)
international integration
international finance
public economics
labour economics
household economics
economic governance