A REC8-dependent plant Shugoshin is required for maintenance of centromeric cohesion during meiosis and has no mitotic functions

Meely, Robert
Fiume, Elisa
Schleiffer, Alexander
Nasmyth, Kim
statement of authorship
Olivier Hamant, Inna Golubovskaya, Robert Meely, Elisa Fiume, Ljuda Timofejeva, Alexander Schleiffer, Kim Nasmyth, and W.Zacheus Cande
journal volume number month
year of publication
10, p. 948-954
Hamant, O., Golubovskaya, I., Meely, R., Fiume, E., Timofejeva, L., Schleiffer, A., Nasmyth, K., Cande, W.Z. A REC8-dependent plant Shugoshin is required for maintenance of centromeric cohesion during meiosis and has no mitotic functions // Current biology : CB (2005) 15, 10, p. 948-954.