Developing creative enterprises and finding the ways for their support
statement of authorship
M.Küttim, K.Arvola, J.Teder, U.Venesaar
Does Entrepreneurship Matter? : A View from Educators, Researchers, Policy Makers and Entrepreneurs : 2011 EFMD Entrepreneurship Conference, Tallinn, Estonia, 21-22 February 2011
location of publication
year of publication
12 p
conference name, date
2011 EFMD Entrepreneurship Conference, 21-22 February 2011
conference location
Tallinn, Estonia
TTÜ department
subject term
Küttim, M., Arvola, K., Teder, J., Venesaar, U. Developing creative enterprises and finding the ways for their support // Does Entrepreneurship Matter? : A View from Educators, Researchers, Policy Makers and Entrepreneurs : 2011 EFMD Entrepreneurship Conference, Tallinn, Estonia, 21-22 February 2011. [S.l.], 2011. 12 p.