Multi-port models for source characterization of fluid machines : Doctoral thesis 1998

statement of authorship
by Jüri Lavrentjev
type of dissertation
university/scientific institution
Royal Institute of Technology, Department of Vehicle Engineering
location of publication
year of publication
24, [107] lk. : ill
Doctoral thesis of Royal Institute of Technology, ISSN 1103-470X; TRITA-FKT 9828
subject of form
Doctoral thesis - Royal Institute of Technology, 1998. Sisaldab väitekirja kokkuvõtte (24 lk.) ja 4 publikatsiooni: Lavrentjev, J., Boden, H., Abom, M. A measurement method to determine the source data of acoustic one-port sources (28 p.) ; Lavrentjev, J., Abom, M., Boden, H. A measurement method for determining the source data of acoustic two-port sources (1995) (p. 517-531) ; Lavrentjev, J., Abom, M. Characterization of fluid machines as acoustic multi-port sources (1996) (16 p.) ; Lavrentjev, J. Determination of one-port source data for fans via scaling laws and lumped models (47 p.). Sisaldab bibl
Lavrentjev, Jüri, 1959-
TTÜ department
Lavrentjev, J.* Multi-port models for source characterization of fluid machines : Doctoral thesis 1998. Stockholm : Royal Institute of Technology, 1998. 24, [107] lk. : ill. (Doctoral thesis of Royal Institute of Technology, ISSN 1103-470X; TRITA-FKT 9828).*est