Experimental study of wave impact on the nearshore structures during extreme coastal floods
statement of authorship
Venkatachalam Sriram, Ira Didenkulova, Efim Pelinovsky, Artem Rodin, Oleg Didenkulov, Anna Sergeeva, Reghunathan Nair Vishnu, Vallam Sundar, and Sannasi Annamalaisamy Sannasiraj
journal volume number month
vol. 18
year of publication
p. EGU2016-4240
conference name, date
EGU General Assembly 2016, 17-22 April, 2016
conference location
Vienna, Austria
subject term
TTÜ department
Sriram, V., Didenkulova, I., Pelinovsky, E., Rodin, A. et al. Experimental study of wave impact on the nearshore structures during extreme coastal floods // Geophysical research abstracts (2016) vol. 18, p. EGU2016-4240.