Tallinn University of Technology annual report 2008

statement of authorship
[TUT Marketing and Communications Office ; compiled and edited by Meelika Õismaa ; translated Mare-Anne Laane ; Preface: Peep Sürje]
location of publication
year of publication
53, [1] p. : ill
subject term
name of the institution
subject of location
Sisu: Rajangu, V. 90th anniversary of Tallinn University of Technology, lk. 6-9 ; Aviksoo, K. Organization and management, lk. 10-11 ; Krispin, M., Johannes, A. International cooperation, lk. 12-15 ; Kübarsepp, J., Udam, M. Academic activities, lk. 16-21 ; Vaikmäe, R., Parre, K., Keevallik, A., Jakobson, I. Research and development activities, lk. 22-27 ; Doctoral theses defended at TUT, lk. 28-31 ; Järs, J. Library ; Toomel, K. Student life ; Orulaid, K. Development Foundation and Alumni Association, lk. 34-38 ; Pihel, M. Staff, lk. 39-41 ; Põder, Ü., Toompuu, K. Economic activities, lk. 42-45 ; Leivo, M., Järva, R. Campus development, lk. 46 ; Lill, H. Sports, lk. 47 ; Pihlamägi, O. Cultural life, lk. 48-49 ; Arumaa, H. Major events, lk. 50-53 ; Administration, lk. 54