Influence of drag finishing to dry sliding wear behaviour of PVD nanocomposite nACo coating during running-in

statement of authorship
A.Surzhenkov, V. Podgurski, M. Viljus, E. Adoberg, M. Nanits, P. Kulu, R. Veinthal
location of publication
year of publication
p. 26
conference name, date
Materials engineering & Baltrib 2010, October 28-29, 2010
conference location
Surzhenkov, A., Podgurski, V., Viljus, M., Adoberg, E., Nanits, M., Kulu, P., Veinthal, R. Influence of drag finishing to dry sliding wear behaviour of PVD nanocomposite nACo coating during running-in // Materials engineering & Baltrib 2010 : materials of the XIX-th International Baltic Conference : October 28-29, 2010, Riga, Latvia. Riga, 2010. p. 26.