Centrifugal accelerators for erosion research and standard wear testing

statement of authorship
Kleis, I., Uuemõis, H., Üksti, L., Pappel, T.
Wear of materials 1979 : presented at the International Conference on Wear of Materials, Dearborn, Michigan, April 16-18, 1979
location of publication
New York
year of publication
p. 212-218
conference name, date
International Conference on Wear of Materials, April 16-18, 1979
conference location
Dearborn, Michigan
TTÜ department
Kleis, I., Uuemõis, H., Üksti, L., Pappel, T. Centrifugal accelerators for erosion research and standard wear testing // Wear of materials 1979 : presented at the International Conference on Wear of Materials, Dearborn, Michigan, April 16-18, 1979. New York : American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), 1979. p. 212-218.