Workplace risk assessment as the main tool for prevention of accidents [Electronic resource]

statement of authorship
K.Reinhold, M.Järvis, P.Tint
Prevention of Occupational Accidents in a Changing Work Environment : 30 September - 3 October 2008 : proceedings on CD-ROM
location of publication
year of publication
p. 93 [CD-ROM]
15.07.09 ei olnud ETISes
TTÜ department
Reinhold, K., Järvis, M., Tint, P. Workplace risk assessment as the main tool for prevention of accidents [Electronic resource] // Prevention of Occupational Accidents in a Changing Work Environment : 30 September - 3 October 2008 : proceedings on CD-ROM. [S.l.], 2008. p. 93 [CD-ROM].