Dynamic chemical plant model and its application

statement of authorship
O. Aarna
7th Triennial World Congress of the IFAC on A Link Between Science and Applications of Automatic Control, Helsinki, Finland, 12-16 June
journal volume number month
Vol. 11, Issue 1
year of publication
p. 279-286
conference name, date
7th Triennial World Congress of the IFAC on A Link Between Science and Applications of Automatic Control, 12-16 June, 1978
conference location
Helsinki, Finland
Sisaldab bibliogr. (8 nim.)
TTÜ department
Aarna, O. Dynamic chemical plant model and its application // 7th Triennial World Congress of the IFAC on A Link Between Science and Applications of Automatic Control, Helsinki, Finland, 12-16 June (1978) Vol. 11, Issue 1, p. 279-286. https://doi.org/10.1016/S1474-6670(17)65953-6