Vortex ring-like structures in gasoline fuel sprays [Electronic resource]

statement of authorship
S.S.Sazhin, F.Kaplanski, S.Begg, M.Heikal
Proceedings of the JUMY International Automotive Conference and Exhibition : XXII Science and Motor Vehicles 2009 : Belgrade, 14-16 April, 2009
year of publication
Paper 31 [CD-ROM]
Sazhin, S., Kaplanski, F., Begg, S., Heikal, M. Vortex ring-like structures in gasoline fuel sprays [Electronic resource] // Proceedings of the JUMY International Automotive Conference and Exhibition : XXII Science and Motor Vehicles 2009 : Belgrade, 14-16 April, 2009 (2009), Paper 31 [CD-ROM]. https://www.ilasseurope.org/ICLASS/ILASS2008_COMO/file/papers/6-5.pdf