Excess sludge anaerobic treatment linked together with production of suspension fertilizers
statement of authorship
O.Sokk, R.Kuusik, E.Loigu
Libro de resumenes : IX Taller y Simposio Latinoamericano de Digestion Anaerobia : Isla de Pascua, Chile, 19-23 Octubre 2008
location of publication
year of publication
p. 78
subject term
Sokk, O., Kuusik, R., Loigu, E. Excess sludge anaerobic treatment linked together with production of suspension fertilizers // Libro de resumenes : IX Taller y Simposio Latinoamericano de Digestion Anaerobia : Isla de Pascua, Chile, 19-23 Octubre 2008. [S.l.], 2008. p. 78.