Motives and impact of foreign banks' entry in CEE countries : comparative empirical study [Electronic resource]

statement of authorship
M. Sõrg, J. Uiboupin, V. Vensel
The 2004 International Applied Business Research Conference : San Juan, Puerto Rico, March 15-19, 2004
location of publication
year of publication
conference name, date
2004 International Applied Business Research Conference, March 15-19, 2004
conference location
San Juan, Puerto Rico
subject of location
Sõrg, M., Uiboupin, J., Vensel, V. Motives and impact of foreign banks' entry in CEE countries : comparative empirical study [Electronic resource] // The 2004 International Applied Business Research Conference : San Juan, Puerto Rico, March 15-19, 2004. [S.l.], 2004. [CD-ROM].