Aasta parimad teadusartiklid
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year of publication
lk. 22-25 : fot
name of the person
Vipat, Sameera
Anderspuk, Hele
Tehnika ja tehnoloogia valdkonnas: Saia, A., Neshumayev, D., Hazak, A., Sander, P., Järvik, O., Konist, A. Techno-economic assessment of CO2 capture possibilities for oil shale power plants // Renewable and sustainable energy reviews (2022) vol. 169, art. 112938, 11 p. : ill.
Tehnika ja tehnoloogia valdkonnas: Varbla, S., Ellmann, A., Puust, R. Centimetre-range deformations of built environment revealed by drone-based photogrammetry // Automation in Construction (2021) vol. 128, art. 103787.
Loodus-, täppis- ja terviseteaduste valdkonnas: Vipat, S., Gupta, D., Jonchhe, S., Anderspuk, H., Rothenberg, E., Moiseeva, T. N. The non-catalytic role of DNA polymerase epsilon in replication initiation in human cells // Nature communications (2022) vol. 13, art. 7099.
Sotsiaal- ja humanitaarteaduste valdkonnas: Talpsepp, T., Tänav, A.-L. Do gender, age and education affect herding in the real estate market? // Journal of behavioral and experimental finance (2021) vol. 32, art. 100571 : ill.
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Aasta parimad teadusartiklid // Mente et Manu (2023) 1, lk. 22-25 : fot. https://www.ester.ee/record=b1242496*est