Morphological variation of chitinozoans : a case study from the Upper Ordovician Viola Springs Formation, Arbuckle Mountains, Oklahoma, USA [Online resource]
statement of authorship
Liang Yan, Nõlvak, Jaak, Goldman, Daniel and Hints, Olle
location of publication
Athens, Ohio, USA
year of publication
p. 45
conference name, date
Trekking Across the GOBE : From the Cambrian through the Katian IGCP 653 Annual Meeting (3rd Annual Meeting of IGCP 653), June 3-7, 2018
conference location
Athens, Ohio, USA
International Geoscience Programme Project 653
TTÜ department
subject term
subject of location
Oklahoma (osariik)
Liang, Y., Nõlvak, J., Goldman, D., Hints, O. Morphological variation of chitinozoans : a case study from the Upper Ordovician Viola Springs Formation, Arbuckle Mountains, Oklahoma, USA [Online resource] // Trekking Across the GOBE : From the Cambrian through the Katian, June 3-7, 2018 : program & abstracts. Athens, Ohio, USA : Ohio University, 2018. p. 45.