A cascade of multi-scale processes shaping the signal dynamics and maintaining the energy transfer in stratified Baltic Sea basins
statement of authorship
Lips, U., Liblik, T., Lips, I., Rünk, N., Kikas, V., Laanemets, J., and Väli, G.
location of publication
year of publication
p. 15
conference name, date
11th Baltic Sea Science Congress, June 12-16, 2017
conference location
Rostock, Germany
TalTech department
subject term
subject of location
Lips, U., Liblik, T., Lips, I., Rünk, N., Kikas, V., Laanemets, J., Väli, G. A cascade of multi-scale processes shaping the signal dynamics and maintaining the energy transfer in stratified Baltic Sea basins // The 11th Baltic Sea Science Congress "Living Along Gradients : Past, Present, Future" : June 12-16, 2017 : abstracts. Rostock : Universität Rostock, 2017. p. 15. https://www.io-warnemuende.de/tl_files/conference/bssc2017/bssc2017-abstract-book.pdf