The MATLAB and SIMULINK-based software environment for development of electronic nose

statement of authorship
Peteris Misans, Renars Jozapovitch, Janis Kleperis, Juris Zubkans, Vilis Eglitis, Andrejs Lusis
location of publication
year of publication
p. 147-150: ill
Bibl. 11 ref
Misans, P., Jozapovitch, R., Kleperis, J., Zubkans, J., Eglitis, V., Lusis, A. The MATLAB and SIMULINK-based software environment for development of electronic nose // BEC'98 : the 6th Biennial Conference on Electronics and Microsystems Technology, October 7-9, 1998, Tallinn, Estonia : proceedings. [Tallinn], 1998. p. 147-150: ill.