Implementation of surface EMG for rehabilitation studies
statement of authorship
Rain Ferenets, Viiu Tuulik and Jaanus Lass
journal volume number month
Vol. 37
year of publication
Suppl. 1, Proceedings of the 11th Nordic-Baltic Conference on Biomedical Engineering, June 6-10, 1999, Tallinn, Estonia, p. 416-417: ill
Bibl. 4 ref
TalTech department
Ferenets, R., Tuulik, V., Lass, J. Implementation of surface EMG for rehabilitation studies // Medical & biological engineering & computing (1999) Vol. 37, Suppl. 1, Proceedings of the 11th Nordic-Baltic Conference on Biomedical Engineering, June 6-10, 1999, Tallinn, Estonia, p. 416-417: ill.