Structural and functional comparison of 15S- and 15R-specific cyclooxygenases from the coral Plexaura homomalla

statement of authorship
Karin Valmsen, William E.Boeglin, Ivar Järving, Claus Schneider, Külliki Varvas, Alan R.Brash and Nigulas Samel
Eur. J. Biochem.
journal volume number month
year of publication
p. 3533-3538 : ill
Bibliogr.: 34 ref
Valmsen, K., Boeglin, W.E., Järving, I., Schneider, C., Varvas, K., Brash, A.R., Samel, N.* Structural and functional comparison of 15S- and 15R-specific cyclooxygenases from the coral Plexaura homomalla // Eur. J. Biochem. (2004) 271, p. 3533-3538 : ill.