Effect of temperature on sliding and erosive wear of fiber reinforced polyimide hybrids

statement of authorship
Gai Zhao, Irina Hussainova, Maksim Antonov, Qihua Wang, Tingmei Wang, Der-Liang Yung
journal volume number month
Vol. 82, part B
year of publication
p. 525-533 : ill
Bibliogr.: 32 ref
Special issue: 2013 Joint Event on Tribology in Lyon 40th Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology. Leeds-Lyon at 40: is the past still present? and Tribochemistry 2013, the Satellite Forum of WTC'2013 Torino Exploring tribochemical processes
TTÜ department
Zhao, G., Hussainova, I., Antonov, M., Wang, Q., Wang, T., Yung, D.-L. Effect of temperature on sliding and erosive wear of fiber reinforced polyimide hybrids // Tribology international (2015) Vol. 82, part B, p. 525-533 : ill. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.triboint.2014.01.019