Electrical impedance and cardiac monitoring : technology, potential and applications

statement of authorship
M.Min, S.Ollmar, E.Gersing
journal volume number month
Vol. 5
year of publication
1, Advances in Electrocardiology : proceedings of the XXX International Congress of Electrocardiology : ICE2003 : June 11-14, 2003, Helsinki, Finland, p. 53-56
Min, M., Ollmar, S., Gersing, E. Electrical impedance and cardiac monitoring : technology, potential and applications // International journal of bioelectromagnetism (2003) Vol. 5, 1, Advances in Electrocardiology : proceedings of the XXX International Congress of Electrocardiology : ICE2003 : June 11-14, 2003, Helsinki, Finland, p. 53-56.