High density mapping of powdery mildew resistance gene Qpm.Tut-4A introgressed to bread wheat from Triticum militinae
statement of authorship
Eva Komínková, Barbora Balcárková Michael Abrouk, Diana Reis, Irena Jakobson, Hilma Peusha, Kadri Järve, Ljudmilla Timofejeva, Jaroslav Doležel, Miroslav Valárik
Plant and Animal Genome Conference XXIV : the International Conference on the Status of Plant & Animal Genome Research : January 9-13, 2016, Town & Country Hotel, San Diego, CA
location of publication
Jersey City
year of publication
p. P0872 : ill
conference name, date
International Plant & Animal Genome XXIV Conference, January 9-13, 2016
conference location
San Diego, CA, USA
TalTech department
subject term
Kominkova, E., Balcarkova, B., Abrouk, M., Reis, D., Jakobson, I., Peuša, H., Järve, K., Timofejeva, L., Doležel, J., Valarik, M. High density mapping of powdery mildew resistance gene Qpm.Tut-4A introgressed to bread wheat from Triticum militinae // Plant and Animal Genome Conference XXIV : the International Conference on the Status of Plant & Animal Genome Research : January 9-13, 2016, Town & Country Hotel, San Diego, CA. Jersey City : Scherago International, 2016. p. P0872 : ill.