Investigations into methods of purification fom nitrogen compounds of phenolic waters of the Kiviter process

statement of authorship
Ljudmilla Kekiševa, L., Grigorjeva, L., Ostroukhov, N., Petrovich, N., Riisalu, H., Soone, J.
location of publication
year of publication
p. 85
conference name, date
International Oil Shale Symposium, June 8-11, 2009
conference location
Tallinn, Estonia
name of the institution
Kiviter (riigiettevõte)
TTÜ department
Kekiševa, L., Grigorjeva, L., Ostroukhov, N., Petrovich, N., Riisalu, H., Soone, J. Investigations into methods of purification fom nitrogen compounds of phenolic waters of the Kiviter process // International Oil Shale Symposium : Tallinn, Estonia, June 8-11, 2009 : future energy solutions : come and share your vision!. [Tallinn] : [Eesti Energia], 2009. p. 85.*est