Bureucracy, law making and law mechanism : Empirical Evidence from the Baltic sea Region Countries [Electronic resource]

statement of authorship
T.Põlajeva, V.Vensel and T.Karma
International Conference : Enlargement of the European Union : What are the Stakes and Potential : Lille, (France), 9-10 December 2004
location of publication
University of Lille
year of publication
30 p. [CD-ROM]
Põlajeva, T., Vensel, V., Karma, T. Bureucracy, law making and law mechanism : Empirical Evidence from the Baltic sea Region Countries [Electronic resource] // International Conference : Enlargement of the European Union : What are the Stakes and Potential : Lille, (France), 9-10 December 2004. Lille : University of Lille, 2004. 30 p. [CD-ROM].