Innovation in air cargo sector and the effect on developing entrepreneurship : case studies of Estonia and Poland
statement of authorship
Tarvo Niine, Ene Kolbre, Aleksandr Miina
location of publication
year of publication
p. 21
conference name, date
International Conference: Entrepreneurship and Innovation as Key Drivers of Regional Development, 15-16 July, 2013
conference location
Ventspils, Latvia
subject term
TalTech department
Niine, T., Kolbre, E., Miina, A. Innovation in air cargo sector and the effect on developing entrepreneurship : case studies of Estonia and Poland // International Conference : Entrepreneurship and Innovation as Key Drivers of Regional Development : Ventspils, Latvia, 15-16 July 2013 : conference materials, abstract book. Ventspils : Ventspils University College, 2013. p. 21.