E-City lights : Estonian solutions for decentralization and urban development

translation of title
Đèn thành phố điện tử : Giải pháp của Estonia cho phân cấp và phát triển đô thị
statement of authorship
Tanel kerikmäe. Olga Shumilo
[International Conference "Specific Regulations For the Development of Ho Chi Minh City And International Experience", Ho Chi Minh, 14 December 2018]
location of publication
Ho Chi Minh
[Ho Chi Minh University of Law]
year of publication
p. [3-8]
conference name, date
International Conference "Specific Regulations For the Development of Ho Chi Minh City And International Experience", 14 December 2018
conference location
Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam
Bibliogr.: 28 ref
TTÜ department
Kerikmäe, T., Shumilo, O. E-City lights : Estonian solutions for decentralization and urban development // [International Conference "Specific Regulations For the Development of Ho Chi Minh City And International Experience", Ho Chi Minh, 14 December 2018]. Ho Chi Minh : [Ho Chi Minh University of Law], 2018. p. [3-8]. http://web.hcmulaw.edu.vn/phapluatdacthu_en/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1403&Itemid=258