Aasta teadusartiklid
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lk. 25-27
Parim teadusartikkel 2021 loodus-, täppis- ja terviseteaduste valdkonnas - Raziq, A., Kidakova, A., Boroznjak, R., Reut, J., Öpik, A., Sõritski, V. Development of a portable MIP-based electrochemical sensor for detection of SARS-CoV-2 antigen // Biosensors and bioelectronics (2021) vol. 178, art. 113029.
Parim teadusartikkel 2021 tehnika ja tehnoloogia valdkonnas - Tikker, P., Dulova, N., Kornev, I., Preis, S. Effects of persulfate and hydrogen peroxide on oxidation of oxalate by pulsed corona discharge // Chemical engineering journal (2021) vol. 411, art. 128586.
Parim teadusartikkel 2021 tehnika ja tehnoloogia valdkonnas - Volkova, A., Krupenski, I., Lepiksaar, K., Latõšov, E., Mašatin, V. et al. Energy cascade connection of a low-temperature district heating network to the return line of a high-temperature district heating network // Energy (2020) vol. 198, art. 117304, 15 p. : ill.
Parim teadusartikkel 2021 sotsiaal- ja humanitaarteaduste valdkonnas - Mora, L., Kummitha, R.K.R Not everything is as it seems: Digital technology affordance, pandemic control, and the mediating role of sociomaterial arrangements // Government information quarterly (2021) vol. 38, 4, art. 101599.
Open Access
Open Access
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- Energy cascade connection of a low-temperature district heating network to the return line of a high-temperature district heating network
- Development of a portable MIP-based electrochemical sensor for detection of SARS-CoV-2 antigen
- Effects of persulfate and hydrogen peroxide on oxidation of oxalate by pulsed corona discharge
- Not everything is as it seems: Digital technology affordance, pandemic control, and the mediating role of sociomaterial arrangements