Regulation of mitochondrial respiration by different tubulin isoforms in vivo

statement of authorship
Minna Karu-Varikmaa, Merle Saaremäe, Peeter Sikk, Tuuli Käämbre, Madis Metsis, Valdur Saks
journal volume number month
Vol. 100, 3, Suppl. 1
year of publication
p. 459a
Karu-Varikmaa, M., Saaremäe, M., Sikk, P., Käämbre, T., Metsis, M., Saks, V. Regulation of mitochondrial respiration by different tubulin isoforms in vivo // Biophysical journal (2011) Vol. 100, 3, Suppl. 1, p. 459a.