Expression and characterization of recombinant 2',5'-oligoadenylate synthetase from the marine sponge Geodia cydonium

statement of authorship
Mailis Päri, Anne Kuusksalu, Annika Lopp, Tõnu Reintamm, Just Justesen, Merike Kelve
journal volume number month
year of publication
13, p. 3462-3474
Päri, M., Kuusksalu, A., Lopp, A., Reintamm, T., Justesen, J., Kelve, M.* Expression and characterization of recombinant 2',5'-oligoadenylate synthetase from the marine sponge Geodia cydonium // FEBS journal (2007) 274, 13, p. 3462-3474.