Residing in urban heritage space: contributing into the (re)construction of symbolic capital of a tourist destination
statement of authorship
Aleksandr Michelson
location of publication
year of publication
p. 6-7
conference name, date
Nordic Urban and Housing Research Conference (NSBB) 2014 "Urban renewal - diversified responses to the development of housing and public space in cities", 8-10, October, 2014
conference location
Tallinn, Estonia
TalTech department
Michelson, A. Residing in urban heritage space: contributing into the (re)construction of symbolic capital of a tourist destination // Nordic Urban and Housing Research Conference (NSBB) 2014 "Urban renewal - diversified responses to the development of housing and public space in cities" : 8-10, October, 2014, Tallinn University of Technology : [abstract book]. [Tallinn] : Tallinn University of Technology, 2014. p. 6-7.