Outbreak insights : dr Sirje Rüütel-Boudinot on how a survey of antibodies against pandemic a(H1N1)pdm09 revealed a wide spread of the "Swine flu" virus in Estonia after the 2009 outbreak

statement of authorship
Sirje Rüütel-Boudinot ; co-authors: Jaanus Suurväli, Anu Nutt, Toomas Tiivel
Pan European networks : science & technology [Electronic resource]
journal volume number month
year of publication
p. 140-141 : phot
Rüütel Boudinot, S. Outbreak insights : dr Sirje Rüütel-Boudinot on how a survey of antibodies against pandemic a(H1N1)pdm09 revealed a wide spread of the "Swine flu" virus in Estonia after the 2009 outbreak // Pan European networks : science & technology [Electronic resource] (2013) 9, p. 140-141 : phot. http://www.paneuropeannetworkspublications.com/