Russian corporations expand abroad - International activities of Russian banks, energy and metal companies [Electronic resource]

statement of authorship
K.Liuhto, J.Jumpponen, M.Sõrg, V.Vensel
The proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Marketing and Development : Globalization, Transformation and Quality of Life : 4-7 January 2003, Bangkok
year of publication
p. 507-523. [CD-ROM]
Liuhto, K., Jumpponen, J., Sõrg, M., Vensel, V. Russian corporations expand abroad - International activities of Russian banks, energy and metal companies [Electronic resource] // The proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Marketing and Development : Globalization, Transformation and Quality of Life : 4-7 January 2003, Bangkok., 2003. p. 507-523. [CD-ROM].