A 18O isoscape for the shallow groundwater in the Baltic Artesian Basin [Online resource]

variant title
A 18O isoscape for the shallow groundwater in the Baltic Artesian Basin [Online resource]
statement of authorship
Raidla Valle, Kern, Babre, Erg, Ivask, Kohan, Martma, Mokrik, Pärn, Vaikmäe
location of publication
year of publication
p. [70], abstract no 1430
conference name, date
43rd IAH International Congress Groundwater and Society, September 25-29, 2016
conference location
Montpellier, France
subject of location
TTÜ department
Raidla, V., Kern, Z., Babre, A., Erg, K., Ivask, J., Kohan, B., Martma, T., Mokrik, R., Pärn, J., Vaikmäe, R. A 18O isoscape for the shallow groundwater in the Baltic Artesian Basin [Online resource] // 43rd IAH Congress : Groundwater and Society : 60 years of IAH : September 25-29th 2016, Montpellier, France. Montpellier : International Association of Hydrogeologists, 2016. p. [70], abstract no 1430. https://www.cfh-aih.fr/images/DOCS/2-Colloques/Colloque_2016_Montpellier/Site_web/IAH2016_AbstractBOOK.pdf