In situ monitoring of kinetics of metabolic conversion of ATP to ADP catalyzed by MgATPases of muscle Gastrocnemius skinned fibers using micellar electrokinetic chromatography

statement of authorship
Maria Kulp, Mihkel Kaljurand, Tuuli Käämbre, Peeter Sikk, Valdur Saks
journal volume number month
Vol. 25
year of publication
17, p. 2996-3002 : ill
Bibliogr.: 49 ref
Kulp, M., Kaljurand, M., Käämbre, T., Sikk, P., Saks, V.* In situ monitoring of kinetics of metabolic conversion of ATP to ADP catalyzed by MgATPases of muscle Gastrocnemius skinned fibers using micellar electrokinetic chromatography // Electrophoresis (2004) Vol. 25, 17, p. 2996-3002 : ill.