Vapor pressures of coal tars and model aromatic systems [Electronic resource]

statement of authorship
Vahur Oja and Eric M.Suuberg
Fuel chemistry preprints : [papers presented at the National meeting of the American Chemical Society]
journal volume number month
Vol. 51
year of publication
2, Papers presented at the San Francisco, CA meeting, p. 729-730 [CD-ROM]
CD-l ka tekst: Fuel research and development for the 21st Century
Oja, V., Suuberg, E.M. Vapor pressures of coal tars and model aromatic systems [Electronic resource] // Fuel chemistry preprints : [papers presented at the National meeting of the American Chemical Society] (2006) Vol. 51, 2, Papers presented at the San Francisco, CA meeting, p. 729-730 [CD-ROM].