A bio-chemostratigraphical test of the synchroneity of biozones in the upper Silurian of Estonia and Latvia with some implications for practical stratigraphy

statement of authorship
Dimitri Kaljo, Rein Einasto, Tõnu Martma, Tiiu Märss, Viiu Nestor and Viive Viira
journal volume number month
Vol. 64, 4
year of publication
p. 267-283 : ill
Bibliogr. p. 280-283
Kokkuvõte: Eesti ja Läti Siluri ülaosa biotsoonide sünkroonsuse bio- ning kemostratigraafiline testimine ja mõned väljundid praktilisse stratigraafiasse
Kaljo, D., Einasto, R., Martma, T., Märss, T., Nestor, V., Viira, V. A bio-chemostratigraphical test of the synchroneity of biozones in the upper Silurian of Estonia and Latvia with some implications for practical stratigraphy // Estonian journal of earth sciences (2015) Vol. 64, 4, p. 267-283 : ill. https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b2750825*est